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Thread: Sending a laptop

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thumbs down Sending a laptop

    Hi everyone

    I cant remember my other account password and couldnt remember the email I used to register it either

    So anyway, Im about to send a laptop + digital camera to my GF in philippines (south cotabato, mindanao). I read stories like you will need a licence to use a laptop that uses wifi connection. Is this still true? what is the chance of it disappearing? Is there any tax to pay? The laptop is some years old but the digital camera, laptop bag, webcam, etc etc are all new. I will be using DHL which would cost about £55.

    Would they still tax even if it was a gift? used item?

    If I have to pay tax, shipping, chance of it getting nicked or broken and other headache to go with it then I might as well not send it and just send her the money to buy it locally


  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i sent a old phone plus paperwork through dhl and the phone was worth nothing , but because we did not say it was worth £1 customs returned it , so we put £10 on the package and payed what they said £49 something like that 4 kilos , got there ok to manila then emma had to pay tax on it around £20 so its not worth it send her the money

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I was just reading some more thread on this site and it look like its not a good idea, except maybe use the balikbayan box for this kind of stuff.

    Im really annoyed about this actually. I spent weeks planning, shopping around and trying to get the best deal. I was very excited about this earlier and so is the GF, it is the first time Im sending something to her. I usually just send her money to buy her own things. Thing is she live in a remote area where choices are limited. I asked her to buy a digital cam 3 years ago and the best one they have didnt even have a flash

    Ill try the balikbayan box and see how that one goes.

  4. #4
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    why not ask DHL how much tax you will pay?, you shouldnt have any problems sending it, only with the post office will stuff go missing (philipino post office)
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris85 View Post
    Hi everyone

    I cant remember my other account password and couldnt remember the email I used to register it either

    So anyway, Im about to send a laptop + digital camera to my GF in philippines (south cotabato, mindanao). I read stories like you will need a licence to use a laptop that uses wifi connection. Is this still true? what is the chance of it disappearing? Is there any tax to pay? The laptop is some years old but the digital camera, laptop bag, webcam, etc etc are all new. I will be using DHL which would cost about £55.

    Would they still tax even if it was a gift? used item?

    If I have to pay tax, shipping, chance of it getting nicked or broken and other headache to go with it then I might as well not send it and just send her the money to buy it locally

    I'd just send the money if I were you.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris85 View Post
    Hi everyone

    I cant remember my other account password and couldnt remember the email I used to register it either

    So anyway, Im about to send a laptop + digital camera to my GF in philippines (south cotabato, mindanao). I read stories like you will need a licence to use a laptop that uses wifi connection. Is this still true? what is the chance of it disappearing? Is there any tax to pay? The laptop is some years old but the digital camera, laptop bag, webcam, etc etc are all new. I will be using DHL which would cost about £55.

    Would they still tax even if it was a gift? used item?

    If I have to pay tax, shipping, chance of it getting nicked or broken and other headache to go with it then I might as well not send it and just send her the money to buy it locally

    send her the money the hassle
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Take it yourself.... that's what we did
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    I think Ill go there myself and give her the laptop

    Oh admin where my other post? not approved yet?

    Thanks everyone

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris85 View Post
    I think Ill go there myself and give her the laptop

    Oh admin where my other post? not approved yet?

    Thanks everyone
    There you go Chris, not sure what the other mods are up to

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    There you go Chris, not sure what the other mods are up to
    Welcoming party ... we forgot to tell you as we couldn't get any sheep at short notice
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris85 View Post
    what is the chance of it disappearing?
    None ... if you take it yourself, and keep it WITH you at all times. , Chris.

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