Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
As for sparky saying there are a lot of hypocrites?...Why?
From his explanation, I can see 2 points

( 1 ) Sparky things that anyone answering "no" to the question of "would you marry a bar girl" equals being holier than thou and thinking that they are better than those who say "yes"

( 2 ) Sparky seems then to think that "don't knock it til you've tried it" applies in this case, and I and others are hypocrites, because never having had a daliance with said lady-type, one can not judge.

Of course, as I noted previously, I think that this topic has something of an emotional charge for him.

You know what? There are many things that I know I wouldn't want to do - that I have never done. Like sticking my head in the oven. If that makes me a hypocrite, then,

I am happy to be a hypocrite