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Thread: Need advice again!

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Need advice again!

    Well ive talk to my boyfriend regarding about fiancee visa and i told him that the requirement specified that we should meet and have evidence we do.

    I know how expensive the travel ticket in two way for my boyfriend but he has to sacrifice to see me and of course if he really wanted to marry me in the future.

    Its also expensive for me as well if I apply for tourist visa as i have to present necessary documents that will entitle me to go back to my country after the tour and i should also provide itenerary and maybe plans for stays and places that i will been to and should also stated the dates of my tour. etc.

    So here is my question:

    1. Is it okey if we booked him for 1 way ticket first from Heathrow to manila and he will just buy another ticket back if he wants to stay more than just a week?or much expensive than 2 way ticket?

    2. He will have a personal itenarary coz he will be staying here in my home and i will be hes tour guide around metropolis and will not depend to travel agents.

    3. I know that british citizen do not need visa coz once he arrived here in manila he will be given 21 days of stay by the immigration.

    4. then we will just book him here when he will be about to return to london.

    hope to give me advice regarding this matter. Thanks for all your help.

    If the plans are ok then it will be good as we have the time to get to know each other better and spend time together here in manila.

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    to the forum. I shall answer your questions in reverse order.

    First, to say, it's highly unlikely you'd be granted a Tourist Visa ... since you and your boyfriend haven't yet MET. So I would suggest HE visits YOU, and take things from there ...

    ... if everything goes according to plan [which, hopefully, it will!] then it's extremely important to concentrate on building up as much photographic evidence as possible of the two of you together ... so that when the time comes for you to apply for a Fiancee Visa, you are able to show sufficient proof of a genuine relationship. Equally, he will be required to provide suitable living accommodation and support you financially - without becoming reliant on government funds - throughout the 6 months' validity of the visa ... during which time you will need to either marry or return home.

    Once the wedding has taken place, you must next apply for 'Further Leave to Remain' (FLR) - affording the same "privileges" as the Spousal Visa, and allowing you to work.

    Finally, I would recommend your boyfriend books a 'Return' flight, as it is [normally] a great deal less expensive than buying two single tickets.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    too right , a return ticket is better and cheaper too,

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    thank you so much guys for giving such wonderful and direct information. I will surely needed it and make possible decisions with me and my man regarding about this and will let you know the outcome. Cheers and have a blessed days for you two!

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