We are in the process of applying for a settlement visa for my Fiancée to come to the UK to marry me and stay here.

I am a bit concerned and confused by the reference on the vaf4a application form and the checklist to providing original documents. This is partly because I need to rely on the mail to get those documents to Maristela in the Philippines and partly about releasing original documents out of my control generally.

I am therefore intending to only send originals of my Decree Absolute, bank statements, and payslips, but copies of my passport, P60s, lease, and employment contract. Do you think that this will be acceptable?

I also intended to black out the account details from the bank statements in case they fall into the wrong hands. Is that going to be acceptable?

Although I understand that the originals should be returned, it seems from other posts on the site that this is not always as reliable as they claim.

On the bottom of the checklist there is a place for listing original documents received which appears inadequate if they really want originals of everything. In any event invoices supporting my visit, for example, are internet copies so they are not original in that sense. Hence confused.