Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
i would have thought it will not help much, i take it their your kids and not step kids? if they are yours then they should be able to apply for a British passport ( i take it your a brit and born in the uk), your problem is your wife and not your kids..

supporting her 'without recourse to public funds'
thanks for reply. yes kids are mine and they have british passports and also british birth certs and i am a brit born in uk. i just thought it mite help that i got kids a place in local school as extra supporting documents to show that im planning for the future, but like you said its my wife and not the kids appling for visa, i am working and saving a little every week and will have about £4000 savings i hope they see that as being enough spare cash, also hope they take into account the money im sending 2 my family every month and that would be extra cash i will have wen they are here. but have wait and see, it seems like the brit embassy want you 2 be a millionare to bring your wife to uk now. i envey all the guys that already have cuz extreamly hard now and getting harder all the time.