Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
he'll be MP alot sooner than you think
You mean PM?

Labour still haven't realised the New Reality in politics, they are still thinking they can spend, spend and worry about it later. The evidence around the world says otherwise. Face it Joe, Labour is in disarray, Brown bottled it and the party clearly have no direction or coherent policies now. I had to laugh at Ed Milliband who at the Labour Leadership hustings in Cardiff last week blamed the banks for Britains Economic troubles. Thats odd, because Brown was blaming the Yanks, and giving the banks loads of money, and now his very own advisor is saying otherwise. Labour have got a big mountain to climb. Somehow, I have a lot more confidence in the current government who are clearly taking steps to sort things out - and revealing daily the shocking amount of waste the last Government left behind. We need to face facts, Labour's legacy could not continue, and there is a need to get finances back in shape. This is the new reality. No, its not spin, its the truth.

Last night on Wales news, they was an item on how schools in South Wales are falling apart, leaking roof, etc, yet we've had 13 years of Labour to sort this out, and even worse, this happened in areas where Labour still has massive support. I remember Blair saying Education, Education, Education back in 97. At least you know with the Tories to expect leaking roofs and cold classrooms - I experienced it when I was in school in the 80's.