
so from what I can tell, your issue is that you are in a Long Distance Relationship with your husband, but you feel that he is less intense with your relationship now than he was when he was in the Philippines.

I hope I understood correctly.

Ok, I have a few points to make

(1) I completely understand where you're coming from. It's completely natural for you to feel this way, and I know the utok unravels when in a Long Distance Relationship.

(2) It's normal for a couple to be different when they are in the Vacation stage when he will come to see you there, of course you'll be together all the time, and lots of talk talk talk and ... but

(3) He's back to his normal life now. Work, Bills, Demands, Stress.... it's hard for him now, he's not on vacation, and he's probably having a hard time, but he's doing it for you

Thoughts on his hobby time .... and silence

(1) He's taking more of an interest in his hobbies because he misses you. It's a displacement activity - but as long as his hobby is a constructive one, and harms no-one, then let him do it, and encourage him. He needs it.

(2) Men need their alone quiet time. We get headaches if our woman just wants to talk talk talk talk... especially right after work, oh gosh, how we hate to hear chatter ....

He will chat to you, and he still LOVES you, but ... you gotta remember that a man has needs!

So just be sensitive to him

I assume that he's still a great husband in every other way??!