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Thread: Advice needed please!

  1. #1
    Respected Member Anakin's Avatar
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    Advice needed please!

    Hello all

    I would be hugely grateful for any advice or feedback. I’m trying to keep this as brief as possible! While working in Hong Kong last year I met a Filipina girl who was working as nanny and housekeeper for her relations who were residents there. Then somewhat unexpectedly her boss and brother in law who is British decided to up sticks and take a job offer in London. Weeks later he sent for his family and my girlfriend. She (my gf) was allowed a 6 month visa no quibbles as a helper, having worked for him in a similar role for some four years in Hong Kong.
    Since she arrived she’s spent a lot of time with me. She loves being here and I’m able to support her. Her family is more than happy for me to “take her off their hands,” although that’s a somewhat harsh and inaccurate way to describe it! In fact I’d like to marry her, especially if it helps her get a better position in the UK.
    Now to my questions. With her visa running out late September, is it likely immigration will let her have an extension? Will she have to go back and then come back in again? That is to say will she have to apply for an new visa from either the Philippines or Hong Kong? Would it be easier if I applied for a spouse visa? Not sure how they work, but is this a more tangible route than a domestic’s visa and like before must she leave the UK before we apply?

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I'm not sure how to answer...but start getting evidence of your relationship now! Photo's, bills...your aim is to convince immigration you have a GENUINE relationship...and not just a sham marriage for her to stay here...Start planning your wedding! (You know you want to...hehe)

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  3. #3
    Respected Member Anakin's Avatar
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    Thanks for that Nigel. Yes I see the sense in gathering evidence.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Anakin's Avatar
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    I'm scouring this website for the info I need as there's a wealth of it here. But since I'm also an impatient plank, does anyone know if I can marry her here now and how that will go for us in the application process? Quite happy to get married next week tbh!

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hi there anakin well you are a fast mover like nigel says get lots of evidense of you two together , you can try this site, may help and good luck, just slow down a little too you have all your life infront of you

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    what type of visa is she in the UK on ?
    you say valid for 6 months
    as a helper

  7. #7
    Respected Member Anakin's Avatar
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    Thanks guys.
    Steve thanks for the info. Hey I'm chilled!

    Joe yes a domestic helper's visa to work as nanny for her family travelling to the UK.
    6 months was granted from late March 2010. They had no idea if they would be staying a few months or a few years so they only got her a 6 month one from the Brit Consulate in Hong Kong. It's likely they'll be here permanently now.
    I don't know if her domestic visa can be extended. I am assuming it can't, ie she has to leave then reapply then come back again, but I'm happy to marry her if that expedites matters. Whether it's while she's here or as part of a spouse visa application.
    I'm trying to ascertain the best route to having her here permanently.
    We've been romantically involved for about 14 months as I've worked on and off in Hong Kong recently.

    Thank you again for the replies.

  8. #8
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    JoeBloggs is your man on these matters, Anakin.
    Don't let her overstay her present visa is the first thing.

    I would have thought you will have to go through all of the time consuming and expensive things a lot of us have had to go through i.e. plan your marriage and do everything correctly so she can get her spousal visa.

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i would have thought she could extend it

    possible problem with only being a 6 month visa to start with but should be ok to extend another year . but give the UKBA helpline a call and check she is eligable to apply on 0870 606 7766

    have you lived together ?
    if not she could try extending every year and after 5 yrs apply for settlement,

    are you british ?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i would have thought she could extend it
    Oops, red face here right now You're Out.gif Back to the pavillion.....

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Oops, red face here right now You're Out.gif Back to the pavillion.....
    only half way back mrshark,

    your right in a away, if she had more time on her visa, maybe she could apply for A COA to wed here, but you could be waiting months for that then more months to apply for FLR, probably alot quicker for her to go back and apply for a fiancée or spouse visa if you want to wed and do without a lot of waiting and heart ache but if shes here already might be worth trying to extend her domestic worker visa and see if you really want to wed b4 it ends

  12. #12
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Well I cant tell you all our story as it was so long ago, 25years ,that I have forgotten most of it, but the one advantage you do have is that your gf is here now. Briefly, my wife was on a student visa and we met while I was working in her college in London. I was separated and had another 2 years to wait until I could apply for divorce, then another 6 months for the absolute. By the way, a new relationship was the last thing on my mind.

    The long and short of it was her visa finished, some court appearances to extend and eventually appeal against her being thrown out of the country failed , and, though we were living together for at least a year it got to within 3 weeks of us having to move to the P.I. Lunar House completely ignored all our evidence of being a totally above board couple in an established relationship.

    Someone suggested our local MP, but I didn`t hold out much hope as he was the very famous right wing, and right hand man to Maggie Thatcher. We went to see him,explained the situation, he wrote a letter and within the week my wife was granted indefinite leave to remain. The man remains my hero to this day.

    So my advice is, fight to keep your gf/fiancee here,
    and take all the proof with you and ask your MP for assistance.
    Or for an easier time my advice is dump her and marry an English girl

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    .........Or for an easier time my advice is dump her and marry an English girl
    Shock, horror. Change from a Filipina to an English girl
    Most of us on this forum would probably prefer to pull our own toe nails out without anaesthetic, except during tampo's.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    ......Someone suggested our local MP, but I didn`t hold out much hope as he was the very famous right wing, and right hand man to Maggie Thatcher. We went to see him,explained the situation, he wrote a letter and within the week my wife was granted indefinite leave to remain. The man remains my hero to this day.
    What a great story, Pete.
    I replied to John in Spain a week or so ago that I don't have much faith in what an MP can do for people.
    I suppose if something is really worth fighting for, anything is possible

  15. #15
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    What a great story, Pete.
    I replied to John in Spain a week or so ago that I don't have much faith in what an MP can do for people.
    I suppose if something is really worth fighting for, anything is possible
    Yep, it was worth the fight and a whole new world opened up for me

  16. #16
    Respected Member Anakin's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for the replies and really good advice! Really appreciate your time.
    I'm going to go off now and see if I can extend it!

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