HI arthur my line of work is in waste management so talking about trash thats what moat is oh sorry was
HI arthur my line of work is in waste management so talking about trash thats what moat is oh sorry was
its a saying didnt know him from adam you never heard of that phrase![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
to someone who breaks the law, going to prison is just annoying and doesnt stop them?
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
then what do you suggest we do with them put them in a chain gang we have to punish them somehow![]()
Prisons can make them worse all they want ... but as long as they are in it they can't annoy us .... well unless it's a mafia boss![]()
Keith - Administrator
Im a strong believer of an eye for eye as they say if you cant do the time dont do the crime
to right & put them in solitary confinement if they are for serious crimes or throw away the key
wouldnt want you as my prison governer you have me running scared alreadyseriously though i couldnt agree with you more
yes just not as a prison governer![]()
We had better form a company Les and get our names on the tender list for the next prison privatisation contracts.
Another cost saving option would be to outsource the prisons to the Chinese, the cost of keeping a convict out there is say a 20th of what it is here. Ten times as many vermin could then be jailed and the Govt gets to save hundreds of millions £'sThe Chinese are well versed in running hell hole type prisons
the trouble is whos realy bothered till its one of there own, the man looked a big head and meet his death the way he lived good riddence to him and any other person that makes the mistake and kills themself, feel sorry for the poor people that he distroyed along the way, why talk to someone that has shot at people and are going to point a gun at you , just say it once put down the gun if not shot him him dead simples as the meerkat says![]()
We don't need prisons .... just send them to live in Birmingham![]()
Keith - Administrator
I already know Eve![]()
For those who've not heard his pissed ramblings
Moaty, it's Gazza! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exUeea4FhQE
I think the guys body should be hung from a lampost and left there as a tourist attraction.
Keith - Administrator
shrines r for heroes...not idiot steroid taking killers....it is a joke...soon he will be forgotten...and gone.....and he deserves to be forgotten...
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