I have been married to a filipina for about 4 years now and we are living in the uk. Recently she has been getting a bit fed up with her job and said to me she would like to work in Canada.
This ok by me but she want to leave me in the uk while she works in Canada and send money to me to help keep our house running. We have no problems in our marriage but I do find in strange that she wants us to live seperate.. whats the point of marriage if you live seperate?
Above all, its the cost.. I am on a average pay job and would not keep up with the bills here. She wants to be a care giver in Canada.. do they pay alot in Canada?
She say I would be able to follow her to Canada at a later date.
How would we be able to run two places to live?
I feel very unhappy and hurt that she would want to do this. She is in a good job at the local hospital and the pay is good, we are happy.
No decision has been made yet.. I just don't see what we would benifit from this..
Any advice would be a great help,