Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
Just one little thing ... i think it will be cautionary

If you have a weak stomach, don't ... i repeat don't ... eat 3 or 4 servings of kinilaw on your "going away party" .... unless you want to be one sick sick sickkkk person.

This public service announcement was paid for by the James Hubbard vomit foundation Walang Anoman
I love KILAWEN! as I grew up with it. I must have got it from my father as he loves kilawen as well.

.. i love kilawen na baboy, kilawen na tuna, kilawen na hipon, any type of kilawen. You'll say it, i'll have it! I'm like a man really! But having said that, not a majority of pinoy like kilawen.. some do and some don't.. it's up to them I am the only one in my family who actually into kilawen apart from my father of course!