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Thread: Care Workers

  1. #1
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    Care Workers

    Does anyone here understand what this is all about?
    My friend is a care worker (not a senior care worker) and has been here in UK about 3 years +. I am note sure what period her current visa covers but I am worried about this. Has this been discussed on the forums?

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    reads frightening . is it the minium wage thing , so now they are saying they cannot afford to pay them now

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if they are told they are being made redundant, i think they have 28 days to find another employer but they will have to find the same type of work.
    not easy with the current job market..

  4. #4
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    Despite the date at the top of the article, I am starting to think this is an old story? Towards the end of the item it mentions "Immigration Minister Liam Byrne".
    I hope that is the case. We know that our new government have plans to train up the UK jobless to fill Care Worker vacancies (I wish them luck with that one - they will need it) but, in my view, that is gonna make the hard working carers already here from the Phillipines (and other parts of the world) much more sought after!

  5. #5
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John.C View Post
    Despite the date at the top of the article, I am starting to think this is an old story? Towards the end of the item it mentions "Immigration Minister Liam Byrne".
    I hope that is the case. We know that our new government have plans to train up the UK jobless to fill Care Worker vacancies (I wish them luck with that one - they will need it) but, in my view, that is gonna make the hard working carers already here from the Phillipines (and other parts of the world) much more sought after!
    Yes I was thinking yesterday when i read it late last night I seem to remember the new policy coming in but couldn't see anything to indicate exactly when the changes reported came in.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by John.C View Post
    Despite the date at the top of the article, I am starting to think this is an old story? Towards the end of the item it mentions "Immigration Minister Liam Byrne".
    I hope that is the case. We know that our new government have plans to train up the UK jobless to fill Care Worker vacancies (I wish them luck with that one - they will need it) but, in my view, that is gonna make the hard working carers already here from the Phillipines (and other parts of the world) much more sought after!
    I think you are right - I've heard a bit about this policy and I think it goes back the best part of two years. Byrne is the jerk who as some sort of treasury minister left a scribbled note to the incoming conservative "There's no money left"

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