It is just a thought that always happen to some of the men even they are married. Just thought that people are different and they change when they got married. Now I found out that they even become worst on it…. They said “I had appears for that woman and sex too… I’m so sorry” It is a long story but I share a little bit on here and ask if what you guys can advise or give an opinion..
I have a close family friend that married an American man. He is a bit rich coz he his own business but before they met each other. His wife divorce on him and find much richer man or have a high rank on the government there then he go to net dating site and find my friend. After his divorce nothing left for him coz he leave his business for too much depression. He meet lots of women here in Philippines before they met in person as what he said . My friend is ok with it coz she thinks what friend for and if they like each other then why not as long as he is true to his self or feeling. He said to my friend that she is too different from all the women he meet that’s why they got married and now they live long for almost 8 years being married and still they don’t have baby coz as what they said they don’t want baby for this time coz he is getting old for having baby. He back to his business that even he don’t hope for good on it but still they try to stand the business again with his wife. His wife never ask amount for him that’s why his wife want to stand too and she find work to the mall as regular electronics technician but while her husband out of town she is the one who look and manages the business. My friend age is 37 and his husband 65 years old for now.
They bought laptop when they went to LV before she think that he will use it to his business but she find out that he give it to his other woman here in the Philippines then she found out lots of Western Union receipt and lots of pictures too with that woman when he go to Palawan or some places here in the Philippines. It is not the first time that’s why my friend doubted coz their bills there in home is not yet paid and she has a notice from the company for disconnection. So she need to look all the papers and all things she found that….
I think he is too old to do things but as what I heard for now to my friend it felt me so sad and cant sleep to think of how is she doing there now. My elder sis keep contacting with her but she seem to be out of reach coz her mobile broke as she throw it when she found out again that her husband said that he want to go Las Vegas for business but instead of LV he is here in the Philippines now. She said that she felt so bad and don’t know what to do for now. …. I did talk to my elder sis again now and she talk a little to my friend but she not talk much to my sister coz it feel her too hurt but still she keep going on and do their business .. and my elder sis said she keep crying at the corner of their house now… and I don't know what to say … I know I cant help her but if ever I know where her husband now roaming around I really go and frank him what he did to my friend. If he don’t love my friend just return it here in the Philippines and go his life to the Hell … I don’t know if my hubby read this thread just felt so bad this time and he know that man too. … I know I don’t have the reason to get in for their relationship but I’m think it is too much now.
Your opinion is highly appreciated...
Tnx.. ladybug