would u know why?![]()
would u know why?![]()
THE belief that life begins at 40 is a myth. Research has found that the fourth decade heralds the beginning of the end.
A study of 2,282 people aged 18 to 87 found that hitting 40 was synonymous with forgetfulness, lack of concentration and poor focus. While general intelligence appeared to remain stable over time, psychologists concluded that everyday mental skills, such as remembering a telephone number or a person's name, showed a marked decline from the age of 40 onwards.
Am still on my 30's but am not too strong with my remembering skills lol...maybe it'll come back when i reached the age of forty lol
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
life begines at 40????well it begins july 31st between 3 and 4 pm for me![]()
Probably because, by then, most married folks' kids have reached their teenage years ... and the child-rearing stage is [generally] long past ... allowing parents a bit more freedom to concentrate on themselvesas a couple. Although, having said that, my own daughter had her second baby
around two months after HER 40th birthday!
Again, a lot of people these days have more or less reached their zenith, career-wise ... and, as a consequence, repaid a substantial part of any mortgage taken out in their mid-twenties, say.
These are just two (main) reasons that immediately spring to mind; I'm sure there are many more.But I'll leave it to others to fill the gaps with THEIR answers.
Life begins when you're born
ask bornatbirth.
The chicken... PROVEN .... now I'm hungry![]()
Keith - Administrator
it was for me
age 40 i moved to thailand for a couple of years -best thing i ever did
tho have to say i agree about the degeneration bit - my old body is starting to go a bit downhill now and i dont feel the invincability that i did in my 20's and 30's
Some old fella told me this a few weeks ago, so I asked how is that that life begins at 40. His answer: coz you stop giving aafter 40
Mid life begins at forty ....
at which point a man will . . .
-----sorry, afraid the rest of the post needed to be censored------
does this only applies to men? what about with women?![]()
I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!
We don't get older...we get uniquer...we don't die either..we are energy..we are conciousness..our body is just the vehicle we enjoy this experience with..![]()
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
Ate Rani! I can tell you are really bothered with this myth hehe!
... life begins at 40 is not true...
... so don't mind that...![]()
Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus
hahahaha... not really venus!!!
they say that men appreciate when they are getting older while women depreciates
i dont think so coz women has diamonds that continuously appreciate.. right???![]()
life begins at 40?
-body parts noticeably cease working from 35-45
-Visits to the doctor increase
-By your 70's you have a hard time remembering your name ....
life begins when midwife looks at you and the doctor slaps you in the mouth!
although ... it reminds me of a song
From: http://www.musicbabylon.com
When she was born the doctor slapped her mother in the mouth
well they do say the quality of wine improves with age I believe people improve with age![]()
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