Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Myrna will know - as teachers, we NEVER stop taking exams of one kind or another - in one guise or the other. Think of appraisal -OFSTED - training courses - etc.. etc... ad nauseum!!! Yes, I also thought I'd finished after university - WRONG!!!!
Mind you, I don't mind at all - after all - if we are to be proficient professionals, we must keep 'Up to speed!'

You're absolutely RIGHT, Al. Silly me! ... what on earth was I thinking about in my initial response to your earlier post? Myrna's often spoken about yearly appraisals, regular training courses and the like. As has my son-in-law, who teaches Sixth Form Physics. There DOES seem to be an inordinate amount of administrative paperwork to contend with nowadays, though. But perhaps that's always BEEN the case. I know, too, that in the Phils, graduate probationers must pass the Teachers' Board Examination ... with marks of 80% and above before registration. And for THIS very reason it annoys me immensely that each of the UK's Educational Authorities pays scant heed to the highly-qualified standards and achievements of experienced professionals coming from abroad.