Seeing is believing?
Lt.Col. Charles Brown. "we had ground visual,ground radar,airborne visual and airborne radar"![]()
oops...X2 !
Sergeant Smith worked as a radar controller from 1967 to 1973, reporting to NORAD on any radar UFO readings that may pose a threat to military airspace operations. In his testimony, he recounts his first encounter with a UFO in which the people he was stationed with were observing a UFO on radar that was behaving in an unusual sequential manner. The UFO would hover at about 80000 feet for 10 minutes, then descended slowly until it dropped off the radar for another 10 minutes, then instantly reappear at 80000 feet again! The next sweep of the radar would show that it was stationary at 200 miles away. It would stay in that location for 10 minutes and repeat what it has just done 2 more times.
He was later told that when you see a UFO, you notify NORAD, you don’t write anything down, but rather just keep it to yourself because it is on a “need to know” basis only. A typical response that you hear from multiple witnesses in this subject.
Later that year, NORAD called him to let him know that there was a UFO coming up the California coastline, but that he should do nothing as they were just giving him the “heads up”.
Then in late 1972 while stationed in Michigan, he received panicky calls from police officers who were attempting to follow 3 UFOs. On checking the radar, he confirmed this, called NORAD who said that they were worried now because they had some B52s that were going to be landing near the stated location, so NORAD diverted the bombers. For this event, he received many calls from witnesses, to which he deceptively responded that there was nothing on radar at all. This would be his standard response until this press conference!
Like all these witnesses, he ends saying that he will testify under oath to a congressional hearing that what he has said is the truth.
Aliens are out there looking for INTELLIGENT life forms ...hence the reason they ignore us![]()
Keith - Administrator
This one just spotted in China according to CNN..
I'd love to believe in Aliens that visit us Fred but I don't, in spite of the wall of science fiction books that lines my living room.
I'll watch those vids when I get home tonight always interested, just a born sceptic.
Jim, where do you stand on parallel universesFolds in time and space, time travel?
There was one time i was out and walking out the road from an indian shop..i saw a dancing light in slow motion. Thought i was seeing a UFO ( Unidentified flying object )..and all of a sudden another light came from somewhere and just realized that dancing little fing up the sky is just part of the fireworks!!!!
It would probably make me believe if one day that UFO will come to me and would say hello....like ET! (hey whats's ET means again? sorry...)
I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!
I personally prefer the Many Worlds interpretation of Quantum mechanics over the Copenhagen interpretation of Bohr and Heisenberg.
I like the idea of the superposition of state resulting in many worlds (Universe's), in the Copenhagen interpretation the act of making an observation of a system somehow magically collapses the state vector i.e. takes all the possible quantum states and picks one that becomes reality.
Bohr and Heisenberg were basically saying that nothing existed in a real sense unless someone was looking at it. As soon as there is no observer everything becomes a superposition of all possible quantum states of every particle in the system.
Their view leans toward the solopsistic and lends credence to the idea that the individual observer is the only observer in the entire Universe.
Many Worlds on the other hand postulates that every collapse of every state vector is a branching into a new variant of the Universe, this also implies that each individuals personal experience of reality and of the universe is unique. As no other momentary observer will ever remain solely in my universe all I get is a current version of everyone as I observe them now.
Many Worlds leads to an explosively exponential view of reality which comes close to reconciling the concept of infinity with the fact that we live in a clearly finite Universe.
Of course both views might be complete bt
Regards time travel it is allowed in the equations of Special and General Relativity, forward time travel is proven fact, i.e. slowing time down by travelling ver very fast close to the speed of light, this is proven fact.
Time travel into the past is alowed in some solutions of General Relativity but is completly unproven at this point in time, it's a maybe but so far it's never happened.
Folds in space, well massive objects bend space, also a proven fact, see the 1919 observations of Sir Arthur Eddington of the deflection of star light of stars as they passed close to our sun during a total eclipse.
I would like to believe in Wormholes and large scale folding of space but there is no proof at this point in time.
For me the most interesting idea that observations of the universe have come up with is that unlike our dear BornAtBirthI was born in the Big Bang and am now 14 or so billion years old, I've only been awake for 50 odd years and might not be for many more but what the hell if that's what it takes to create a self aware being who am I to judge
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
ok, one that has always blown my mind.... the question of what is outside of space ? where are we ? Our universe is not infinate, there is a limit to it's size. So what are we part of ? Where did the big bang take place? are we just part of an infinately small part of the make up of an atom ? if so, are we part of something bigger?![]()
when you get to the end of space, your back where you started![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
I'll be home in about 2 hours I'll answer that one then Stevelast one was lunch hour
Basically there was no space and no time, then there was. "Before" has no meaning as there was no time, likewise "Where" because there was no space.
ok ok you have found me, i knew it would be you james
We have no idea what is 'beyond' and never will as we'll never see it or be able to measure it.
If infinity exists (as time is a human measurement), then statistically we have already appeared once therefore in infinity we have appeared an infinite number of time in the past, present and future
To Infinity And Beyond...... which is impossible
Keith - Administrator
so what you are saying then , were we are going is we have been, and were we have been we are going![]()
i knew i had meet emma before , the sexy smile the look of passion , all memories of the time before and the time to come again and again and again![]()
For Steve as well.
Yes if the universe would simply stop expanding and you could travel at the speed of light in a straight line it would take roughly 2pi x 14,000,000,000 years to return to where you started (that's a guess I could be wrong). It would not matter what direction you set out in you would always end up back where you started.
However because the Universe is continually expanding you could never in fact circumnavigate it.
When people ask where did the big bang happen the answer is everywhere at the same time, every point in the Universe participated in the big bang.
The centre of it if, you have to think in those terms was at a point in time 14 billion years ago and at that time the entire extent, the entire size of the universe was smaller than a single atom, a lot smaller.
Where did it come from?
Well the idea is that it came about from a rare quantum fluctuation of huge proportions in the vacuum energy, however once again that raises the question "quantum fluctuation in what?"
Physicists would answer that it was a fluctuation in a scalar field, the vacuum energy, something with magnitude but no directionality, it is implied that the scalar field simply exists, words like when and where have no meaning in respect to this field. Sadly these are difficult concepts to get ones head around.
This also implies that many universes could arise this way, indeed an unlimited number of universes which gives everything and everyone a kind of immortality.
Personally I grew away from this idea many many years ago, I am me, this version here now experiencing these moments, another slightly different copy is not me, an identical copy in an identical Universe? Well that is me but there is no way to tell the difference between instances, so it's irrelevant. Like everyone else I am born, I live and I die, I get the privilege of experiencing existence rather than never being that's good enough for me.
As for Aliens even if there are none in this Universe there certainly will be lots in other Universes.
Actually Georg Cantor proved that infinities come in different sizes don't ask me how it works I don't pretend to understand it
In one of his earliest papers, Cantor proved that the set of real numbers is "more numerous" than the set of natural numbers; this showed, for the first time, that there exist infinite sets of different sizes.
Fair enough :P
If there is enough matter to close it, it then it's not infinite but as you know there is not enough observed matter to come anywhere near closing it, so chances are it will expand forever in which case it's infinite.
However with the accelerating expansion that has been observed and the possibility of the big rip at some point in the future then once again it's not infinite.
So as you say it's unproven.
It's always struck me that the big rip sounds like a black hole singularity turned inside out, everything comes to an end over a huge volume of space. In a conventional back hole all the stuff falls in over a large'ish surface and gets squashed out of existence at the point singularity.
In our Universe everything seems to have got squeezed in via a point and is going to hurtle towards extinction over a huge 4 dimensional area, just a thought, never seen this particular thought regarding the big rip published.
I bet one day when we image all the Universe, shrink it down so we can see the shape and structure and realise we're living in a Alien dog turd![]()
Keith - Administrator
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