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Thread: Marriage license requirements for a widowed Filipina?

  1. #1
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    Marriage license requirements for a widowed Filipina?

    I've been introduced recently to a guy who is looking to marry his Filipina girlfriend. He's asked for my advice regarding requirements to get married in Philippines.

    I've explained to him all about the CNI, etc and as he's divorced that he will also need his decree absolute when he goes to the British Embassy for the conversion.

    The bit where I fall over though is in relation to his girlfriend. She is widowed. Can she just get her CENOMAR, or will she also need something else to prove her husband is deceased and therefore free to re-marry?

    I've tried searching on the forum as I'm pretty sure I read something similar recently, but for the life of me I can't find it now!

  2. #2
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    If the Filipino girlfriend was married and is now widowed she will have to get a Death Certificate from the NSO. I supposed she have already registered the death of her husband and she should always have a copy of that. CENOMAR only applies to people who's never been married.

    So 3 things from the girlfriend:

    1. NSO Birth Certificate
    2. NSO Advisory on marriage
    3. NSO Death Certificate of previous husband.

    Someone else will have to tell you the rest if i missed out things here.
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the response mate.

    But whats the "Advisory on marriage"?

  4. #4
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    Thanks for the response mate.

    But whats the "Advisory on marriage"?
    Advisory on Marriage is from the NSO aswell. It will provide the details of previous marriages and how many marriages has she had.

    She can get a few copies just need to ask the helpdesk at the NSO center so they can give her the right form to fill up.
    At the same time she can get a copy of her husband's death certificate and collect them documents same day.
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  5. #5
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    Ah cool! That was something I've never heard of before as my missus hadn't been married previously.

    Thanks for the info. Appreciate it!

  6. #6
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    Ah cool! That was something I've never heard of before as my missus hadn't been married previously.

    Thanks for the info. Appreciate it!
    NO worries! Goodluck to your friend!
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    The bit where I fall over though is in relation to his girlfriend. She is widowed. Can she just get her CENOMAR, or will she also need something else to prove her husband is deceased and therefore free to re-marry?
    I can answer that particular question straight-off, Dave ... since MY Filipina wife was also a widow when she met ME. And, as far as I'M aware, his girlfriend should simply go to her nearest NSO Office and ask for a copy of her late husband's Death Certificate.

  8. #8
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    Cool. Thanks for the info mate. Will be passing all this over to the guy tonight over a chilled pint!

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