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Thread: TB test

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    TB test

    Hi , my stepson who's been here for 2 months, has just received a letter from a clinic saying he needs to go there for a TB test.

    my wife and daughter didn't have to, mayb e they have changed procedures recently.

    do's anyone know or had to attend a clinic for a TB test ??


  2. #2
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    I have had done a test today to my doctor which is just for a girl thing
    Scot ===>

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  3. #3
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    I received a letter too.. I remembered I had an appoinment to my local hospital to do this TB test, so I went there with my 3 and half yr old daughter. When the nurse saw my BCG scar she didn't bother about me anymore and she turned to my daughter instead, she asked if she have done her BCG before and I replied 'no' then the nurse told me that she must have one as soon as possible.

    Poor little girl, she was so upset and crying because of the unexpected injection.

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    The x ray test they do at heathrow i guess is for tb. I have heard some countries uk visa applicants such as thailands have to produce a tb scan result as part of the evidence submited.
    Whenthe wife had her scan they said we would be contacted by our local health authority, soon after she arrived we enroled her at the local doctors so i guess they saw she registered and had been checked for tb so took it no further.

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    I received a letter too.. I remembered I had an appoinment to my local hospital to do this TB test, so I went there with my 3 and half yr old daughter. When the nurse saw my BCG scar she didn't bother about me anymore and she turned to my daughter instead, she asked if she have done her BCG before and I replied 'no' then the nurse told me that she must have one as soon as possible.

    Poor little girl, she was so upset and crying because of the unexpected injection.
    poor daugther but at least she had the bcg which is far better in the longrun than tb.
    I know one boy who while we were in school in the eighties caught tb which was rare for a brit at the time. Thankfully he survived but he had a tough time which affected his health for his lifetime.

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