Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
Would love to see a Filipino father waking up to deal with the baby, haha. Think the british culture generally has a lot more involved fathers, but not always.
I might agree but maybe because our culture is helping each other like my Lola and aunt who were always there and we can afford nanny for kids sometimes. I remember my dad, he seldom helped my nanay when feeding us as he's already awake at 4 a.m. to go to farm and make money and during harvest seasons, he gives all his earnings to my Nanay. But I must say, I was more close to my dad than my Nanay. Every morning, I make coffee for him and bring him food at the farm if we have no classes. We eat and pray together as well! He do the planting and I do the selling.
Bless all filipino dads as who are working for more than 10 hours / day in the farm!