Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
It's nice to hear advice from expert Ross. SNV also given good advices. I don't know if you misunderstood her then given her some harsh comments. Although you click some smiley icons but still the impact is insulting.

I don't understand your last sentence. All I know is we can all reach the old age. Some are not because they died early.

I know you're not that bad. We chatted at yahoo once and you seems nice.
We are Pinays, we are kabayans and we should be friendly to each other. Helping each other is best, we're trying to give you good advices for help. Let's forget about bad attitude and bad trademark of being Pinay (utak talangka). Let's show the world how good we are and a good blogger as well.

Calm down and wish you the best of your family.
come on Mrs Mod with respect to our queen you obviously in one side of the road with that virus whats hre name..cant rem thought but i respect you as your big boss now..anyway conratutaltion i just notice now you wre not just a respected member..you deserve to that Mam..or shall i call sugar mom jokes but big congratulation again well done dear !