Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
It is an expensive computer (rather, was is expensive upon purchase)?

I find that cheaper computers tend to fatigue or even conk out earlier.

... depends upon what you consider expensive ... THIS one cost nearly 500 quid [NEW] just over 2 years ago. You're most probably RIGHT about the cheaper models, though.

Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
Perhaps it's a memory issue.
... could BE, I suppose.

Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
Do you watch movies on your computer?
Do you use youtube a lot?
Movies? ... NO. When do you think I'd find the time to watch movies ANYWHERE, James? I'm on HERE 24/7 ... well ... almost!

Occasionally use You Tube, though.

Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
these may be factors eating at your memory, causing your computer to slow down and not respond

also ...

are there files on your comp that you can delete? Call it pruning!
Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post

James "the pseudo-geek" Hubbard
Quite possibly. But as I made it clear to the Boss ... I ain't no great shakes with Computer Technology in general!

Your suggestions are appreciated, however.