hi there all , what do you love most about your new home here in england and not counting your hubbies, and what do you miss most from your old home in the phils![]()
hi there all , what do you love most about your new home here in england and not counting your hubbies, and what do you miss most from your old home in the phils![]()
Some live in Wales, Scotland & Ireland.... are you being racist against those lesser countries?
I like Wales because the sheep don't talk![]()
Keith - Administrator
i shall rephrase for my collegesladies were ever you lay your head wether its england wales scotland and ireland , what do you enjoy most,
i too love wales
What's wrong with Scottish sheep then?![]()
i miss my homeland ph..all whats there cnt see my stuff i need here maybe some are here but i doubt still not the same to what i wantand specially the dried fish
I miss sissig from Philippines,
I miss the blazing sun - appropriate in the Tropics!
I miss my bike.... I can't wait to ride it again in October!
I miss Lugaw
and i miss people actually SMILING! lol
That's what I miss from the Philippines anyway![]()
what bike you got??
i miss my CBR 400 that i had in Thailand- not many sports bikes around there-especially up country- used to ride with the Lobo's chapter now and then but they all had choppers so i used to stand out like a sore thumb.
lot of the guys now relocated to Laos so when i go back dont see much of them nowadays![]()
The bike was a 110 if i remember correctly! A really rubbish cheap little number, but in the most awesome green!
RUSI bikes ... parts from China, Assembled in Manila - what could possibly go wrong!?
I have had so many problems with it, but dang, I love that darn bike! lol
i love swipping my hubbys card lol...kidding aside im kinda loving everything which i dont normally see and experience in the philippines...i love my apple tree in our backyard, the rabbits and squirrel playing around our garden, no traffic, fresh air and cool weather..but at the same time missing the sun back home, family and friends, food and the culture....i miss having a nanny and being able to go out without a need to push a buggy![]()
hi grace , emma has the things![]()
oh thanks steve...pls tell her i am so happy and million thanks to her..hugss...cant wait to meet her and show her around while u at work![]()
I miss EVERYTHING in the Philippines:
1. the countryside
2. the real pinoy food
3. my family
4. the jeepneys (ie. getting jeepneys going to the town)
5. the wet market and seeing all the fresh seafood and vegetables
6. market is always packed with lots of bibingka and mais
7. karaoke anytime of the day
8. the lovely sun
9. watering the plants at home
10. i miss listening to different tsismis (gossips)
11. brushing all the leaves at the front and back of the house
12. the noise of the crickets and frogs singing after the rain
13. fiestas
14. buying meriendas or cooking oil at the sari-sari store across the road
15. looking out the window waiting for the cars, jeepneys, trucks and tricycles to pass on the road
16. sitting at the front house after tea to have fresh air
17. going to my auntie's house and get some starfruits and raw mangoes
18. fresh bagoong
19. neibours playing loud music
20. my mother's nag early morning hehe!
21. going to the beach every weekends
22. the spirit and true meaning of christmas
23. fireworks all over the place on new year's eve
24. going to the mall
25. jollibee
26. seeing my father drinking with his mates
27. seeing my granny rolling her big tobacco
28. climbing trees
29. doing my stationery shopping in National Bookstore
30. having something to eat in SM's food court
31. the chaos of Manila
32. washing clothes with my bare hands
33. feeding the chickens
34. radio stations usually playing music from the 80's (love songs)
35. eating in carinderia
36. going to talipapa
37. late shopping
38. children coming home from school
39. never-ending soaps or tele seryes on tele
40. All Saint's Day celebration
41. cooking rice by wood
42. kids and teenagers are well-disciplined (no anti-social behaviours)
43. saying po and opo
I love the UK because:
It's an English country and I don't need to study the language before coming in weeeehhhhhhhhh!!!!
1. it's trillion times cleaner than in the Philippines
2. no floodings (apart of course some places that get flooded but so far, i've never experienced it yet since i came here, hope to God, not!)
3. the benefits (NHS, maternity grants, child tax, DLA, Employment and Support Allowance, Jobseeker's Allowance, Carer's Allowance, etc.)
4. free prescriptions
5. more job offers
6. charity shops
7. car boot sales
8. nice cars
9. beautiful countrysides
10. lovely and well-maintained parks with very safe children's playgrounds
11. British films
12. sexy and posh accent
13. fish and chips
14. fashion
15. no school fees
16. getting the bus and pressing a button to get off..don't need for me to shout "para"
17. digital tv
18. fast internet connection
19. no mud
20. street lights
21. well-maintained gardens
22. market day
23. window cleaner
24. Victorian houses
25. museums
26. steamed trains
27. spring time ... love to see colourful flowers everywhere
28. collecting different things from freecycle rochdale area
29. there's hoover to clean the house, washing machine, dishwasher, cooker, oven, dryer and microwave to warm up leftovers
30. no drink driving
Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus
wow a great read venus![]()
you sure you not missed anything out
bwahaha! Steve... i actually can't think of something else
... yay! wish UK just near the Philippines![]()
Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus
Hi Venus, my rep-giving function isn't working right now, or I would have done so for that really good and thoughtful post.
I think you should turn it into a "blog" by hitting "blog this". It's very good
Aw! sorry for upsetting you gparry..
It's very hard to leave the Philippines if your family is all there.
It will be a lot easier to live in England if all my love ones are all here if you know what I mean
However, I love Philippines and England so probably I will feel the same if I were to stay in the Philippines lol!![]()
Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus
im growing in the farm........
number i misssssss is.....
Riding the carabao.
swimming river w/my cousin.
climbing the diff kind of fruits tree.
went to my aunties house evryday to eat fesh ripe papaya.
Crispy LECHON during fiesta.
the nonstop chatting ang laughing when have a family gathering.
the beach
ans most off all riding on the roof on the jepney when going to town...hahaha sa pinas lng yan
I like UK.....
The govt is very generous especially for those lazy people....
Health care is free of course...
The scenery of the country side especially in WALES and CORNWALL.
ohhhhhhhh i forget the COLONY OF MUSSELS and OYSTER in SOUTHEND.
I mostly miss the range of fresh fish and going out with all my friends
I love the food![]()
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