Hello all,

I've read through some of the topics here but they seem to relate to people married and watning to come to live in the UK, wanting to marry and live here etc but my question is pretty simple but having some difficulty finding the answer.

So here is the low down:

My Boss at work is seeing a woman from the Philippines, she has lived here for some years and recently wanted her mother and sister to vist the UK. All I know what that this was a very difficult process from what information he has shared. Long story short I met his partners sister one day, we got on and exachanged details and now she has returned to the Philippines and we are still in contact daily.

She and I have been talking about her visting the UK alone and staying with me. Now I know she would need a Visa for this, but what I am not sure about is how one goes about this. I just foresea problems and it not be simple as here is your air ticket, got Visa and turn up at Heathrow and all be plan sailing (or maybe I worry too much)

If she comes it would be for under a month, 2-3 weeks. She would stay with me when she was here and is not looking to work or study and we are not thinking about getting married. So she would be a tourist.

The issue I have si woudl she have problems coming here because she was not going to be staying in a hotel, and not going to have a great deal of money and so would have to explain that she was staying with me - thus causing eprhaps issues with immigration thinking 'how do we know your going back home in 3 weeks'.

So what is the deal here?
Has anyone else had someone visit for a short time and what, if any problems werre there?

I really don't want to spend a lot of money on air fares and then find at the last hurdle she is not allowed in the country. I am a little bit confused so sorry if this migth also seem confusiingly written...

Thanks in advance for any help.