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Thread: My Tips on getting a Spouse Visa Fast!

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  1. #1
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Mr. Hubba! Hubba!

    All of my docs were properly in order according to the vfs guidance checklist with all its label inside the folder. But since i didnt have photocopies of my docs i was asked to do so and took off the label because i was rushing to be back by 1pm.

    Fortunately the lady called me and took all the photocopies that i have arranged together with the original without any labels. She didnt check the originals though only them photocopies one by one.

    Then that was it. Shes signed the checklist and sticked all the original docs with the photos and other supporting papers in a black bag and told me to wait for my biometric before i leave the place. I hope they dont get confused in looking on my papers. Well they are supposed to look each pages anyways so they will find which one is which.

    Friday night ive got an sms saying " visa application with ref..blah blah has now been dispatch to the british embassy for processing". Since then i havent heard anymore. My husband has checked online and it says "application has been forwarded to the British Hign Commission". Dont know what that means though but it has been like that since monday.
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  2. #2
    Member Josieyam65's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -sillybilly- View Post
    Mr. Hubba! Hubba!

    All of my docs were properly in order according to the vfs guidance checklist with all its label inside the folder. But since i didnt have photocopies of my docs i was asked to do so and took off the label because i was rushing to be back by 1pm.

    Fortunately the lady called me and took all the photocopies that i have arranged together with the original without any labels. She didnt check the originals though only them photocopies one by one.

    Then that was it. Shes signed the checklist and sticked all the original docs with the photos and other supporting papers in a black bag and told me to wait for my biometric before i leave the place. I hope they dont get confused in looking on my papers. Well they are supposed to look each pages anyways so they will find which one is which.

    Friday night ive got an sms saying " visa application with ref..blah blah has now been dispatch to the british embassy for processing". Since then i havent heard anymore. My husband has checked online and it says "application has been forwarded to the British Hign Commission". Dont know what that means though but it has been like that since monday.
    Just wondering, if i'll send the documents through LBC (because i'm from Cebu), hows about my biometrics?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josieyam65 View Post
    Just wondering, if i'll send the documents through LBC (because i'm from Cebu), hows about my biometrics?
    From what I am aware, you must make the journey to Manila in person.

    My wife is from Negros Oriental and needed to go to manila for it.

  4. #4
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josieyam65 View Post
    Just wondering, if i'll send the documents through LBC (because i'm from Cebu), hows about my biometrics?
    You will need to make the effort to travel to Manila as it is now required to apply in person and so for the biometric. They will take a photo of you and your fingerprint.

    Also incase there is a problem they will let you know as soon as possible and will try to sort them out.
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  5. #5
    Member Josieyam65's Avatar
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    Thank you James and Sillybilly... Another question, please....Do i have to set an appointment? Or just go to the early. Which is better?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josieyam65 View Post
    Thank you James and Sillybilly... Another question, please....Do i have to set an appointment? Or just go to the early. Which is better?
    If you "walk in" make sure you get there at 7am. If you arrive another time, you're likely to be sent back and told to come tomorrow "ugma na lang"!

    Sillybilly says that her "appointment" was useless, but at least, that way you know what time you're gonna be there.

  7. #7
    Member Josieyam65's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    If you "walk in" make sure you get there at 7am. If you arrive another time, you're likely to be sent back and told to come tomorrow "ugma na lang"!

    Sillybilly says that her "appointment" was useless, but at least, that way you know what time you're gonna be there.
    Salamat kaayo, James! Sorry for the queries. its just that me and my husband married last year and we don't have any idea about spouse visa and how/where to file. Thank your very much to the one who made this site!!!
    More queries, pwede? How did you bind all your documents? Did you use a ring binder folder? Or that plastic sheet binder? And how about the cards (birthday, valentines, christmas, etc.), would i also place it in the ring binder folder? Thank you..

  8. #8
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josieyam65 View Post
    Salamat kaayo, James! Sorry for the queries. its just that me and my husband married last year and we don't have any idea about spouse visa and how/where to file. Thank your very much to the one who made this site!!!
    More queries, pwede? How did you bind all your documents? Did you use a ring binder folder? Or that plastic sheet binder? And how about the cards (birthday, valentines, christmas, etc.), would i also place it in the ring binder folder? Thank you..
    Heres what you should do:

    Get atleast 2 envelopes, one for the photocopies of your documents and one for the original ones. No need to put it in the arch lever folder as they will ask you to take them out and have to be arranged according to the guidance list. Cards can be put in a plastic sheet folder. What i did with the photographs, ive pasted them on an a4 sheets. so they are in place when the vfs go through it.

    But you can put labels like post it, to separate each documents for the vfs not to get confused as it really helps a lot for fast results!

    With regards to the appointment, yes you make an appointment online as they will ask for the printed one, they do have a list of applicants for the day and will have to sign on it.

    The appointment time is useless, i mean they dont follow it..soon as they asked for your appointment letter they will give a number which means you will wait till your number gets called out. I suggest that you make your appointment NOT on friday as based from my experienced, it was busy, too many applicants, and staff were grumpy from working all week i guess... and trying to finish off the qeue as soon as they can. So they can leave early!

    Biometrics. They will call your name and need to get inside the small room for picture taking and fingerprint scan...then thats it.

    After the submission of your application you will receive an sms at the end of the day saying " Visa application Ref no xxxx has been dispatch to the British Embassy for processing."

    Then the waiting begins.....GOODLUCK WITH YOUR APPLICATION!

    Make sure you have everything and have filled up the application correctly so when you submit your application you are confident enough that you gave everything that is needed. And so that you dont have to worry about and no nightmares!
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

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