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Thread: Getting married

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  1. #1
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    Getting married

    Hi everyone.
    I wanted to ask about getting married in the phillipines.
    Ive recently started a relationship with a lovely lady from cebu and we may get married in about 1-2 years, and then for her to live here in UK with me. Why is it advised on this site not to get married in the philippines and instead get a fiancee visa. My lady has always dreamed of getting married in her home country with all her family and friends and thats not something id like to take away from her. What kind of problems would i run into as so far the only problem i can see is the time spent apart before and after the marriage. Is it that much harder to get a visa?

    thanks in advance for any thoughts or comments..


  2. #2
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    dont worry its all the same process the difference will vary when she finally get to the uk...for sure either spousal or fiancee you will be able to get her and live with you in uk.

    just do some research around
    Filipina a born survivor!

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Go Ahead, get married in Phils, if it's what your girl wants for her big day then it's only right. It's not that complicated to get married there and it's just the same visa process.

    Louella & Iain.

  4. #4
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    I see now there is not much difference from reading through the old posts and maybe i shouldnt be as alarmed as i first was. When i read the "About us" section out on the home page it quotes...

    "ever rush into a relationship, and definitely do not marry in the Philippines, it is more trouble than it is worth, even though marrying in the UK means your Filipino partner can not claim money, work, or leave the country for the first 2 years, this is an acceptable problem. After that time your partner can then claim for UK citizenship. This can take 6+ months to go through, but does make travelling abroad easier."

    Thats what sent my alarm bells ringing. Im just glad im not american due to these IMBRA laws that seem to be tearing them apart.

  5. #5
    Member gingging's Avatar
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    As long as you have the capacity to get marry (CNI), no matter when will it be then you will be okay. Add on to that, do some research about filing for a visa.

  6. #6
    Respected Member mike1's Avatar
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    uk or pi marriage

    We are undecided as to which visa we will apply for at the moment , my fiancee says she does not mind , whichever is the easiest /simplest, so we are weighing up the pros and cons of both if she had wanted it there then I would have gone along with that for her and her familys sake . As i have already given up a job to spend some time with her and have since started a new job it may be difficult to get the time off, I believe 3/4 weeks is the length of time it takes .

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by emeraldisle View Post
    I see now there is not much difference from reading through the old posts and maybe i shouldnt be as alarmed as i first was. When i read the "About us" section out on the home page it quotes...

    "ever rush into a relationship, and definitely do not marry in the Philippines, it is more trouble than it is worth, even though marrying in the UK means your Filipino partner can not claim money, work, or leave the country for the first 2 years, this is an acceptable problem. After that time your partner can then claim for UK citizenship. This can take 6+ months to go through, but does make travelling abroad easier."

    Thats what sent my alarm bells ringing. Im just glad im not american due to these IMBRA laws that seem to be tearing them apart.
    1) i got married in the philippines, floating on the hotel pool didnt have any problems, saved a lot of money and had a fantastic time , and applied for a spouse visa, thou embassy took near 3 months to give an answer, but after i complained my wife got her visa the same day.

    2) as for claiming money she cannot claim 'public funds'.

    3) work, depends what it says on your visa, if it says your not allowed to work, you cannot, if it dosn't says anythnig about working you can. my wife got a job here after being here a year.

    4) i think your wife can leave for up to 3 months? in the first 2 years.

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