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Thread: job scam

  1. #1
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    job scam

    Hi everyone, just call me Jane...I am a filipina, I browsed this site looking for information that might help me because I am recently a victim of job scam. A certain Sir Chirr Rouchael uses Skylone Hotel in Ireland to post job hiring to more than one job sites and I was too late to view on this site certain post here warning on job scams. I believed him because he was sending me forms that seems real like the Job Order and the Certificate of Employment. They even uses the real forms of visa applications from . He also uses the name of the UK Minister Damian Green. I was able to pay him 165 GBP through western union believing that it will be for the processing of my visa but I was only warned when after 3 days I haven't receive the parcel they are promising to me but instead they are asking for another payment.
    I hope this will warned anyone about this job posting using Dublin Skylon Hotel in Ireland.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    a warning to others, why should you pay for the visa processing, when its the employer who should be paying, and another warning asking money to be sent using western union

  3. #3
    Respected Member rani's Avatar
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    scams are everywhere.. let's just be cautious in dispensing money

    its so hard to trust people nowadays

  4. #4
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    I'm sorry to hear about that. Unfortunately there seem to be a lot of these scams out there targetting people who are searching for work abroad. In future, feel free to post any details here - as other have before - and people here will give their opinions if they're legit or not.

  5. #5
    Respected Member mike1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mnjc26 View Post
    Hi everyone, just call me Jane...I am a filipina, I browsed this site looking for information that might help me because I am recently a victim of job scam. A certain Sir Chirr Rouchael uses Skylone Hotel in Ireland to post job hiring to more than one job sites and I was too late to view on this site certain post here warning on job scams. I believed him because he was sending me forms that seems real like the Job Order and the Certificate of Employment. They even uses the real forms of visa applications from . He also uses the name of the UK Minister Damian Green. I was able to pay him 165 GBP through western union believing that it will be for the processing of my visa but I was only warned when after 3 days I haven't receive the parcel they are promising to me but instead they are asking for another payment.
    I hope this will warned anyone about this job posting using Dublin Skylon Hotel in Ireland.
    Sorry to hear of your experience,the wife friend nearly got caught in a scam recently but she checked it out for him and turned out to be a scam- big chief in oil exploration paying big money to care for his wife £20@ hr all expenses paid My motto is if it looks to good to be true it proberly is to good to be true . Its a lesson hard learned but beware for the future as there is plenty of scum out there to take money from you Best of luck for the future

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike1 View Post
    Sorry to hear of your experience ...
    ... and ME too!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mike1 View Post
    My motto is *if it looks to good to be true it proberly is to good to be true.
    ... MINE also; Jane ... to our friendly site ... and please heed the *sensible advice Mike and others here have given you!

  7. #7
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    I'm so sorry to hear of your situation. The people doing this are absolute scum. I recognised the name from earlier posts, and did some searches and came up with this:

  8. #8
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    Where abouts did you hear about this job, do you have details on the advert and more information? I will contact the 'actual' hotel and maybe they will post something on their website about this.

    I found some of the posts here:


  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    with the recession on and with Brits loosing their jobs, do you really think someone is offering you a job that you've never met ? even if they could chances of them getting you any permit are near 0 now

    things will only get more difficult to get a job here ..
    doc Alan look at this probs with foundation year 1.

    The BMA wants all UK medical graduates to be guaranteed foundation posts for next year following revelations there is likely to be a shortfall in places.

    The shortfall has been attributed to an unprecedented increase in applicants from non-UK medical schools, particularly from elsewhere in the European Economic Area, who have the right to work in the UK.

  10. #10
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    Problem is, sometimes when people are desperate they convince themselves of something that they would normally be sensible about. Also, because some of the poor in the Philippines think that England is a land paved with Gold.

  11. #11
    Member dennie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    I'm so sorry to hear of your situation. The people doing this are absolute scum. I recognised the name from earlier posts, and did some searches and came up with this:
    Sir Ricky R, I posted this inquiry a long time ago since the job posting was posted like it was to good to be true but before I started making any move with the application i started posting it to this site and with the help of my boyfriend he called the number given to check if it was legit.

    To Jane, before paying things most especially if it costs big amount of money try to do tremendous research and think a million times as we know its not easy to earn money now a days. Its better to apply to legit job posting at the DFA center and Philippine posting sites so that at least you know its legit. And by the way, a legit job posting does not ask any payments for processing your job application. As far as I know job posting from other countries are the ones who will pay for your visa application up to your plane ticket and the only thing you will pay is your medical examination to be held here. Always remember that you are seeking a job to earn and give your family a good future so if one day you come across with a similar post think that the job is being offered to help you earn a good amount of money rather them asking money from you.

  12. #12
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    are you the same dennie posting in the other forum, saying stuff about this forum and its members
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  13. #13
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    are you the same dennie posting in the other forum, saying stuff about this forum and its members
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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