hi crybaby,
i know its really hard to look for job here in the UK especially we are foreigners (esp. Filipino) and it will really takes time. I just wanna share to you my journey in finding way for my career progress. When I got my FLR I looked for a job right away, anything that includes working in the nursing home, I had a degree in Marine biology with good employment record back home. My husband told me not to apply for the job in nursing home but I told him I'll do anything just to get a job and so I did get one, 2 weeks after i had my FLR. I know its a bit hard but as long as youre enjoying it, there's no problem. While I'm working part time in the home, I'm doing volunteer works in the charity shops in my spare time. With this I'm gaining experience in sales and also working in health care institution.
Once you started working and you had put it in your CV that you had experience already in the UK, your CV will be good enough for the employer. ANd try to apply directly to employers. Now, i've been into many interviews in different jobs and turn down few offers. In line with my field, I had two interviews already but unlucky in getting the it.
I hope you'll get a job soonish.. Just keep on going, don't lose hope. There's something waiting for you down the road.
Hope it helps.
Godbless you...