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Thread: unemployed and frustrated

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cryBaby unemployed and frustrated 29th July 2010, 21:26
nigel Hehehehe hang in there! What... 29th July 2010, 21:52
James Hubbard Apo-Shark ... we need... 29th July 2010, 22:53
James Hubbard my last few posts have been... 29th July 2010, 22:53
RickyR You can get this official... 30th July 2010, 00:11
James Hubbard That;s right deja-vu! ... 30th July 2010, 00:15
joebloggs it's 30th July 2010, 13:19
bornatbirth i know its hard, my wife as... 30th July 2010, 11:03
abby hi crybaby, i know its... 30th July 2010, 17:49
joebloggs :xxgrinning--00xx3: that's... 31st July 2010, 05:31
Arthur Little Excellent :idea: of Abby's... 1st August 2010, 02:51
KeithD Sounds like a great job....... 1st August 2010, 09:20
stevewool a nice read abby never give... 30th July 2010, 20:05
abby thanks stevewool.. i've cried... 30th July 2010, 21:36
joebloggs why what's stopping you ?... 31st July 2010, 05:35
pennybarry Just don't give up and don't... 31st July 2010, 09:20
malditako more than a month is really... 31st July 2010, 10:44
cryBaby Thank you guys for your... 31st July 2010, 23:23
sars_notd_virus Goodluck girl!! positive... 9th August 2010, 17:00
gecko_pikachu Don't be upset crybaby, there... 1st August 2010, 00:35
fred I wonder what the process in... 1st August 2010, 02:29
James Hubbard Oh, Joe Bloggs gave the link... 1st August 2010, 02:34
fred No Mr linkman..His link was... 1st August 2010, 03:00
estherboaz Cry baby, youare not... 1st August 2010, 08:10
nigel Run your own ebay shop...? ... 3rd August 2010, 15:57
cryBaby Hi everyone! Thank you for... 3rd August 2010, 16:41
James Hubbard that's the right attitude :D... 3rd August 2010, 17:44
shrek48 my friend is british and has... 3rd August 2010, 18:49
anngrimes78@msn i dont think its... 8th August 2010, 20:28
Florge hi crybaby, that's life... 9th August 2010, 12:54
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  1. #1
    Respected Member abby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cryBaby View Post
    Been job hunting for more than a month.
    And my phone has been ringing everyday with calls from recruiters.
    They all seem to think I'm a good candidate, until they hear that I'm Filipino(didn't know nationality matters) and I graduated from a Philippine university(it's written in my CV if they looked closer).
    After hearing that all they seem to say is "Oh, Oooook, I'll tell you what, I'll put your CV in my database" or, "Oh, you're not the perfect candidate for the position, I mean the position is not perfect for you."
    Really frustrating. I didn't think it would be this hard to get a job here in UK. I just want to go home!
    Hehe, just whining guys.
    hi crybaby,

    i know its really hard to look for job here in the UK especially we are foreigners (esp. Filipino) and it will really takes time. I just wanna share to you my journey in finding way for my career progress. When I got my FLR I looked for a job right away, anything that includes working in the nursing home, I had a degree in Marine biology with good employment record back home. My husband told me not to apply for the job in nursing home but I told him I'll do anything just to get a job and so I did get one, 2 weeks after i had my FLR. I know its a bit hard but as long as youre enjoying it, there's no problem. While I'm working part time in the home, I'm doing volunteer works in the charity shops in my spare time. With this I'm gaining experience in sales and also working in health care institution.

    Once you started working and you had put it in your CV that you had experience already in the UK, your CV will be good enough for the employer. ANd try to apply directly to employers. Now, i've been into many interviews in different jobs and turn down few offers. In line with my field, I had two interviews already but unlucky in getting the it.

    I hope you'll get a job soonish.. Just keep on going, don't lose hope. There's something waiting for you down the road.

    Hope it helps.

    Godbless you...

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abby View Post
    I had a degree in Marine biology with good employment record back home. .
    that's what my misses wanted to do back in the phils if she was not going to be a doc

    yes its difficult getting your first job, it took many months for my wife to get her first job, she applied for many types of jobs, got a few rejection letters, but finally managed to get a part time one working for the NHS, stayed at the same job for 4yrs while she passed her exams to register as a doc here.
    then took the risk of quitting her secure part time job and take a 3 month job as a SHO (just above a junior doc) they extended it for another 3 months and now shes quit that to do FY1 (foundation year - what British docs do after internship)

    so sometimes you have to take risks, keep on applying, don't give up and slowly but surely you will get there

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abby View Post
    I'm doing volunteer works in the charity shops in my spare time.
    Excellent of Abby's ... voluntary work often "opens doors" to full and part-time PAID employment!

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abby View Post
    ..... I had a degree in Marine biology ...
    Sounds like a great job.... dissecting US Marines
    Keith - Administrator

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