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Thread: visa's joke

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    visa's joke

    sorry it's my rant time again.. keith can you rename this section, with my name at the start ?

    oh this time, lol, visa's , visa's i go by the law, fill the forms in truthfully and pay my fees, and wait and wait for a reply wondering if i'll be granted

    born here in the UK, lived all my life here, paid taxes, etc... and when i have to wondering if my wife of near 5 years, who i've known for nearly 8yrs, can still stay in the UK, and i read in the daily express today the following story..

    cut short, basically

    'A gross error'

    a home office offical had to make an apology for giving a UK passport to a somali sex beast who should have been deported, his application was approved because a member of staff 'mis-read' his immigration papers ( keith , wheres the police checks, the other checks ?? ? what am i paying this massive processing fee for ???)

    the serial sex attacker went on to kidnap a 7yr old girl and to appalling indecent assult her.

    the victims father said he was angry that he was not deported after his first offence.

    shadow home secretary said it " not only do they fail to deport a foreign sex offender, they then manage to give him a UK passport"

    during his trial it emerged that he was jailed in 2000, for seperate attacks on 2 women and a 14yr old girl. the judge ruled after he served 4yrs that he should have been deported, but that order was ignored, and he was given a UK passport 1 wk before he assulted the 7yr old girl.

    also he was granted ILR !!!!! by IND. home office has now stated his UK passport has been revoked...

    oh there is hope for my wife and family getting ILR then.

    what a joke, their excuse is when they sent him a letter stating he had ILR !!! if thats not bad enough, the examiner handling his case, mistakenly took the letter advising the guy of this as conferring a right to a UK passport.

    if would be just one big joke if not for the little girl scared by him, and his other vitims....

  2. #2
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    A gross error? Thats an understatement. This nonsense seems to be happening with alarming regularity, time to get out I think, and go somewhere about the Philippines

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The rot set in with the Tories
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    The rot set in with the Tories
    Keith your not a Labour voter are you? You didn't illlegally loan them some money did you?

    Blaming the last government is the reason British politics is so retarded - instead of moving on, witness Bliar, er Blair blaming the tories at every PM Question time - its boring, rubbish, childish.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Keith your not a Labour voter are you? You didn't illlegally loan them some money did you?

    Blaming the last government is the reason British politics is so retarded - instead of moving on, witness Bliar, er Blair blaming the tories at every PM Question time - its boring, rubbish, childish.
    you better watch out Rob or your'll get to
    yes, and i bet the guy didn't have to pay anythnig for his visa or passport !

    iam sure IND case examiners, just look that you have a place to live, banks statements and pay slips, if you have they approve it there and then, and leave it for 6wks , then let you know.. no checks , no police checks, no nothing. just a big con , as far as i know my employer, my mother, my bank, etc have never been contacted by anyone regarding a visa app

  6. #6
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    The rot set in with the Tories
    Very True. When you weigh up only the cost of everything and value of nothing and make statements like, "There is no such thing as society, just individuals", then you apply those principles to how you govern the country, it's got to be a recipe for disaster.

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you better watch out Rob or your'll get to
    yes, and i bet the guy didn't have to pay anythnig for his visa or passport !

    iam sure IND case examiners, just look that you have a place to live, banks statements and pay slips, if you have they approve it there and then, and leave it for 6wks , then let you know.. no checks , no police checks, no nothing. just a big con , as far as i know my employer, my mother, my bank, etc have never been contacted by anyone regarding a visa app
    I have to say the same i doubt they did many checks for the same reasons, if they do its probably every one in so many they check out.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    on the IND web site, it says the fee is for the cost of processing the app, up to now ive applied and received a spouse visa, a visa for my daughter, also recently visa for my step son, and just applied for FLR for all of them. as far as i know no one has been contacted about my apps. so why the high fee, and what processing could they do ?
    1) check with my bank that i have an account and how much i have in it, iam sure my bank wouldnt tell them anything.
    2) check with my employer, they could, its only a 5-10 min call, as far as i know no one ever has.
    3) check where i live, i live at my mothers house, and they definately have never contacted her.
    4) maybe check my passport, or birth cert ? or with the police ?

    what processing is there, how could all this take more than an hour ??

    all i con and bull

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    how could all this take more than an hour ??
    £20 Billion on IT.....someone has to pay, so any Manc will do ....remember....your paying for the Olympics....just think of the use you'll get out of them!!!!
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
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    so when they did the check to see if this guy had secure accomodation they accepted the address of which ever prison he had stayed in welcome to the assilum

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    When you leave can officially put your address as 'Park Bench, near traffic lights'!!!!
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    When you leave can officially put your address as 'Park Bench, near traffic lights'!!!!
    you forgot the rest of the address 'albert dock , liverpool '

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