Sounds good that she fitting in well. But don't let your guard down yet Steve one of the toughest times will be when you first go to work. But Emma will be fine im sure
very true
one of the biggest reasons why my ex failed to settle was that i was at work 10 hours a day 6 days a week and she was alone all that time and her english wasnt all that good to be able to go out and about enough
one of the biggest reasons why my ex failed to settle was that i was at work 10 hours a day 6 days a week and she was alone all that time and her english wasnt all that good to be able to go out and about enough
Same prob here Sparky and I often do 13-15 hour days , back for 2 hrs before bed again.
Mindyou we speak for hours on the phone most days so we feel connected all the time.