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Thread: Things are looking up

  1. #31
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Looks like you hit the jackpot there! As you will know if you've been on the dating sites, there aren't many with your ladies qualities and a large proportion are students, out of work, poor and/or with children anc of course some scammers which all make a long distance relationship trickier and give you doubts & worries.

    Quick work too! How did you meet her?

  2. #32
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Double post! Grrgghh!

  3. #33
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    Double post! Grrgghh!
    No it isn't that one's different
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #34
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    No it isn't that one's different

  5. #35
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    there aren't many with your ladies qualities and a large proportion are students, out of work, poor and/or with children anc of course some scammers which all make a long distance relationship trickier and give you doubts

    its very hard to find the perfect one for any of us, but you have to try and try again, poor and have children, well if emma had any children they too would be welcome and being poor, well until you have found your partner you will never know what poor is , emma has made me so rich in how she acts and holds herself in life, we all need to take leaves from our partners , future and present then see how rich we all become

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    Looks like you hit the jackpot there! As you will know if you've been on the dating sites, there aren't many with your ladies qualities and a large proportion are students, out of work, poor and/or with children anc of course some scammers which all make a long distance relationship trickier and give you doubts & worries.

    Quick work too! How did you meet her?
    On FH, I had hundreds of hits and messages, and very few of them took my fancy. First requirement was that they had to have a job. This may sound harsh, but I am not going to be milked like I was last time. I was also looking for someone with degree level education, so that I could have an intellectual conversation with them. Naturally, they had to be attractive, but intelligence was the number 1 factor. After I had narrowed them down and had a chat on Yahoo, befriending them on FB is a good idea as their photo's will give clues about their lifestyle. Lots of work photo's is a good indication. I am not the Red Cross or UN and am not going to support anyone who won't get off their ass and try to support themselves.
    We have been chatting on Yahoo for many hours every day for the last 3 or 4 weeks, and whilst she fulfilled all of the above criteria, the main thing is that we really do get on well and never run out of things to say to each other. It also helps that her job involves chatting to westerners all day every day, so she has a very good understanding of the west and is completely fluent in English.

  7. #37
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    .... and very few of them took my fancy.
    Maybe your 'fancy' smelt a bit
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #38
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    Looks like you hit the jackpot there! As you will know if you've been on the dating sites, there aren't many with your ladies qualities and a large proportion are students, out of work, poor and/or with children anc of course some scammers which all make a long distance relationship trickier and give you doubts & worries.

    Quick work too! How did you meet her?
    All of the above are ok...The only ones you want to avoid are the scammers.

  9. #39
    Member BrummieBoy's Avatar
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    Hi Ian, thats great news.

    I too used to use FH to meet people and the first person that I got along with really well was a woman called Aeva and, unfortunately within a couple of weeks tried to use me as a walking, talking ATM as well. As I was a trusting guy I sent her two lots of 10,000 pesos within a two week period, but it never seemed enough and she was always asking for more and more money. Luckily I saw that she did not love me (she only loved my money) and I stopped talking to her.

    Because of Aeva I was put off trying to meet anyone else for a year, but I decided not to let one bad apple taint my view of Fili women and I tried again, using FH as I like the way it is structured. It was there that my met my lovely Alou, and I am so glad that I decided to try again, all be it a bit older and wiser this time.

    So, to get to the point I am glad that you "saw through" your old partner and found someone that genuinely loves you

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrummieBoy View Post
    Hi Ian, thats great news.

    I too used to use FH to meet people and the first person that I got along with really well was a woman called Aeva and, unfortunately within a couple of weeks tried to use me as a walking, talking ATM as well. As I was a trusting guy I sent her two lots of 10,000 pesos within a two week period, but it never seemed enough and she was always asking for more and more money. Luckily I saw that she did not love me (she only loved my money) and I stopped talking to her.

    Because of Aeva I was put off trying to meet anyone else for a year, but I decided not to let one bad apple taint my view of Fili women and I tried again, using FH as I like the way it is structured. It was there that my met my lovely Alou, and I am so glad that I decided to try again, all be it a bit older and wiser this time.

    So, to get to the point I am glad that you "saw through" your old partner and found someone that genuinely loves you
    Well done !

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrummieBoy View Post
    Hi Ian, thats great news.

    I too used to use FH to meet people and the first person that I got along with really well was a woman called Aeva and, unfortunately within a couple of weeks tried to use me as a walking, talking ATM as well. As I was a trusting guy I sent her two lots of 10,000 pesos within a two week period, but it never seemed enough and she was always asking for more and more money. Luckily I saw that she did not love me (she only loved my money) and I stopped talking to her.

    Because of Aeva I was put off trying to meet anyone else for a year, but I decided not to let one bad apple taint my view of Fili women and I tried again, using FH as I like the way it is structured. It was there that my met my lovely Alou, and I am so glad that I decided to try again, all be it a bit older and wiser this time.

    So, to get to the point I am glad that you "saw through" your old partner and found someone that genuinely loves you
    Good for you, there are lots of honest Filipina's out there. In hindsight it's easy to say don't send it if you haven't actually met, but not so easy in reality. My first g/f was a slightly different situation as I had actually met her before i even decided I wanted a Filipina g/f, but that didnt stop her being a habitual liar.

  12. #42
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    You deserve an honest Filipina Englishman.
    It's really hard to find the right love.
    Others say "love is blind."
    I don't believe such saying.
    You've come up with the right decision of dumping the last Filipina.
    I'll say you're stupid then if you still carry on fooling yourself.
    See, love is not blind at all.
    You've just stopped yourself of nearly getting blinded by her.
    Thanks God you've gone to Specsavers, lol!
    I've also got the feeling that you found the right one for you this time.

    I wish you goodluck to your journey to Mindoro.
    Don't forget to go to Puerto Galera.
    And bring dried fish to UK hehe!
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

  13. #43
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    one thing though ... it seemed to me like you said "poor" in a pejorative sense ... like it's her fault

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