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Thread: Family Visit Visa Refused

  1. #1
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    Family Visit Visa Refused

    One reason given for the visa refusal was that family members live in the UK!

    The visa application was for my stepdaughter to visit us for three weeks during her annual leave. She is working in Dubai and has a letter of permission from her employer to visit the UK during her leave. We also supplied a letter (with supporting evidence) saying that we would sponsor her visit to the UK.

    I am sure all genuine applications that are refused can by frustrating. But it seems absurd to refuse a family visit visa on the grounds that the family members being visited are living in the UK.

    Anyway we are intending to appeal and wonder if there is anyone who has gone through the appeal process has any advice.

  2. #2
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Oh my god.. My sister is in the process of filing her Family visit visa too she is also working in Dubai. I hope they will not refuse her. I am sorry to hear about the news... You really need to appeal. I hope it will all goes well. Good luck!

  3. #3
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    I'm sorry to hear your news, that justification is rediculous.

    I went through the appeals process a few months ago, but I will warn you it is very slow and feedback is poor.

    As the sponsor you are able to appeal on behalf of the Appellant, you can also act as Non Legal Representative which will enable you to give evidence at a future Tribunal in the UK should it be required.

    Firstly the Appeal form must be completed, I think that you need to get the Appellants signature authorising you as Sponsor and Representative. You are then able to complete the form yourself. I cant give you any advice on what to include as additional information supporting your appeal, but I'm sure others on here can.

    A word of warning, I appealed in May and was told there was a 3 week backlog to open the post and log the appeal on the computer.

    As far as I am aware, the process is as follows:

    The appeal is logged, and within 2 weeks the form along with any new supporting evidence is sent back to the Embassy who initially rejected the application so that they can re-examine the information and hopefully over turn the decision. There is no set time scale for this, but they advise you to wait 7 weeks for a decision. If they still refuse to over turn the decision, it will then be in the hands of the Tribunal and they will set a date for a hearing. the hearing date could be 6 months + further down the line as it is subject to court and Judge availability.
    It is not a quick process, but I really hope they see sense and over turn the decision sooner rather than later.
    Best of luck

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you said that was one reason why she was refused, they hardly ever have just one reason unless its a very good one to refuse her,most of the time they will have a few reasons

    are any of the reasons justified?, do you have further evidence you can use, if so write to the ECO manager and ask for reconsideration.

    one thing with a family VV is the full rights to appeal. but as already mentioned it can be a long process.

    the appeals process can be found here..

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the information.
    We are not too bothered about the time as it will be about six months before she will be due for her next leave.

    The other reasons were financial. They didn’t think that she could afford to visit the UK for a holiday. Not justified in my opinion as we were sponsoring her visit.
    The bottom line is that they didn’t believe that it was her intention to leave the UK and return to Dubai.

    It seems so unfair that they make genuine family visits so difficult.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post

    The other reasons were financial. They didn’t think that she could afford to visit the UK for a holiday. Not justified in my opinion as we were sponsoring her visit.
    The bottom line is that they didn’t believe that it was her intention to leave the UK and return to Dubai.

    It seems so unfair that they make genuine family visits so difficult.
    did you send estimated costs for their trip (air tickets, transportation, meals, health insurance, etc) and evidence you have the finances to pay for it all ?

    something similar to this..

  7. #7
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    The logic behind it is that its easier for a visitor to hide, overstay, and turn illegal if there's a family member that can help him.

    same logic USA uses when denying visitors. At the end of the day, its all about the money. Show them you have lots of money you earned, and they will let you in.

    Crappy ain't it, but I cant totally blame them. All this strictness came from experience - all those illegals

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by erwindv View Post
    The logic behind it is that its easier for a visitor to hide, overstay, and turn illegal if there's a family member that can help him.
    maybe but for a family visa you get a full right to appeal, and up to now the cost of the appeal is free, and many appeals are won

  9. #9
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    I think it would help to provide proof she will return to Dubai. Does she have other family members there? If so, perhaps one of them can write a supporting lettermentioning how often they meet up, for example. Does she belong to any clubs or societies? If so, send copies of her membership. Send photos of her enjoying herself with her friends.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    did you send estimated costs for their trip (air tickets, transportation, meals, health insurance, etc) and evidence you have the finances to pay for it all ?

    something similar to this..
    The official guidance about what supporting evidence to supply is very vague. Your link giving an example is an excellent guide that we are using in the appeal. As always individual cases always vary. We didn’t think that we needed that level of evidence as her employer in Dubai was meeting the cost of her return airfare as part of her employment package.

    And yes there are family members in Dubai but family links to the UK are stronger. There are of course even stronger links to the Philippines but I don’t think that will be of interest to the ECO!

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