john, you usually seem to have a bee in your bonnet about everything being correct but your not bothered if people have correct number plates or not :
I did not say that, I differentiated between plates which could not be read and those which had been slightly altered. Does anyone really think police should waste police time /public taxes, worrying about, say a plate which should read
'M 1 JAS' but reads 'MIJAS'
Quote . if we cant believe the media reporting the story because we dont have the full facts, who do we believe?[/QUOTE]
When officers are working on high profile cases, murders etc. they keep a 'press cuttings book' of articles about the case. The reason: Quite often (mentally unstable) people confess to crimes they have not committed. Of course in such cases they have to rely on what they have read in newspapers.
In practically all high profile cases important facts are withheld by the police and thus, if a person confesses and knows the withheld facts, they are either the person responsible for tghe crime or have a close knowledge of the case. Anyone just reading the papers would not know theses pertinent facts.
When one reads all the articles about a case sometimes it is difficult to be sure they are writing about the case under investigation, they vary so much and can be so far from what actually happened.
Anyone reading any of these such articles would of course get only the info that paper printed, and thus cannot get the complete story, and which is often way off mark. How would anyone expect with such poor quality, biased, mis-reported etc. info, could anyone come to a reasoned conclusion.