just a rant coming on, we pay the visa cost, not cheap, and we are so exceited that our partners are here, but thats just for the time of 6 months then we pay again then after 2 more years we pay again, what the hell for?????, went to the doctors to register emma, filled the forms and away we went , have i got proof she lives at my address???? she just moved here saturday? well how do we know she lives there, she needs a letter with her name on it, a utility bill , council tax bank account, all these so called letters what a letter saying she lives here, what a stupid way,why cannot the goverment give a letter after we have paid our visa fee, they do all the checking and all about myself , were emma will live can i afford to keep her, so come on why cant there be somesort of letter saving time and heartache too, there just said it , hope all is having a great day too