The point is dylan helped shape music for years to come,He wasen't afraid to be controversial and had some catchy tunes too,along with Led Zepp - Hendrix - ELO - Small Faces - Yardbirds - Cream-Bowie-jagger-Lennon.
Recent decent bands I would add would be Oasis,sterophonics,manics,and even one of my fav-Squeeze still produced great stuff after the "cool for cats" era
I also like his Travelling willbury's songs,he added a nice edge to the band.
I was sad to see no big queue for Dylan and thought I bet if the mighty "Jedward" had been here there would have been a bigger queue
As for chas n dave,the worzels and scissor sisters in the words of John McEnroe "you can't be serious"
How many of these current chart bands will still be around in years to come? my guess is none
Here is a group of real singers apologies to Robbie williams
Sorry can't embed here is link