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Thread: One Month!!

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  1. #1
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Just read your speed read the thread and your post. If the Guy is a Brit firstly i applogise for his rudness to think a Fillipina of normal means can fly over with no time to save and cant be assed to get of his backside and meet you is a

    Diddums he spent a lot in asterdam I dont know your background but if he looked at the difference in earnings and general income between the UK and Phill...

    In london we do share things 50 50 but we also are normally openminded and polite enough to realise that not all can do that. When we met the wife had no means to have flown to the UK or treat me much more than buy me a few simple gifts and foods. But they meant the world to me and in proportion (my finances to hers) we were sharing 50 50.

    He seems to want to control you and you seem to not mind. You argue you everyday well what will you do if he argues with u while your abroad who will help you then when he blocks you coming to his home?

    Taking a months leave after starting at a company not going to be easy and how will you pay for the loan? Oh is he going to make you pay your way in London? Charge you rent to stay at his house? Ghee it will cost you hundreds of pounds to live for a month in London. Lets say at least 100,000 pesos possibly more if you go out etc.

    Ring him up as others say and say cheerio and thanks for showing me your true colours before you invested and risked so much to see him..

    You have shown what a good woman you are in the loyalty you are showing him and tolerance of his rudness and sheer dumbness of thinking a pinay of normal phill means cna simply pop over on a plane

    Once again i applogise for his ways as a fellow Brit. Im truely ashamed of someone sharing somethign in common with me who is such a bully and tyrant it may all be mental now but who is to say he can control his anger in person?

    Please be careful and think this though so many good men in the world including British and pinoy who would treat you with far more respect and understanding..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  2. #2
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Just read your speed read the thread and your post. If the Guy is a Brit firstly i applogise for his rudness to think a Fillipina of normal means can fly over with no time to save and cant be assed to get of his backside and meet you is a

    Diddums he spent a lot in asterdam I dont know your background but if he looked at the difference in earnings and general income between the UK and Phill...

    In london we do share things 50 50 but we also are normally openminded and polite enough to realise that not all can do that. When we met the wife had no means to have flown to the UK or treat me much more than buy me a few simple gifts and foods. But they meant the world to me and in proportion (my finances to hers) we were sharing 50 50.

    He seems to want to control you and you seem to not mind. You argue you everyday well what will you do if he argues with u while your abroad who will help you then when he blocks you coming to his home?

    Taking a months leave after starting at a company not going to be easy and how will you pay for the loan? Oh is he going to make you pay your way in London? Charge you rent to stay at his house? Ghee it will cost you hundreds of pounds to live for a month in London. Lets say at least 100,000 pesos possibly more if you go out etc.

    Ring him up as others say and say cheerio and thanks for showing me your true colours before you invested and risked so much to see him..

    You have shown what a good woman you are in the loyalty you are showing him and tolerance of his rudness and sheer dumbness of thinking a pinay of normal phill means cna simply pop over on a plane

    Once again i applogise for his ways as a fellow Brit. Im truely ashamed of someone sharing somethign in common with me who is such a bully and tyrant it may all be mental now but who is to say he can control his anger in person?

    Please be careful and think this though so many good men in the world including British and pinoy who would treat you with far more respect and understanding..
    Oh what a great advice!

    Ghee i know its going to be difficult for you....yes you love the guy but think of your future!
    You get heartaches now and how much more when you are together?

    Why dont you sit down and spend time thinking about it. Start a new tomorrow...forget the waitings of phonecalls, emails, etc. Start your day doing different things.

    Move on. You will be fine. Its not too late to find someone much better.
    Maybe you just love the guy because of his physical outlook, gwapo, but look deep inside... You know what im talking about need to wake up love.
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Just read your speed read the thread and your post. If the Guy is a Brit firstly i applogise for his rudness to think a Fillipina of normal means can fly over with no time to save and cant be assed to get of his backside and meet you is a

    Diddums he spent a lot in asterdam I dont know your background but if he looked at the difference in earnings and general income between the UK and Phill...

    In london we do share things 50 50 but we also are normally openminded and polite enough to realise that not all can do that. When we met the wife had no means to have flown to the UK or treat me much more than buy me a few simple gifts and foods. But they meant the world to me and in proportion (my finances to hers) we were sharing 50 50.

    He seems to want to control you and you seem to not mind. You argue you everyday well what will you do if he argues with u while your abroad who will help you then when he blocks you coming to his home?

    Taking a months leave after starting at a company not going to be easy and how will you pay for the loan? Oh is he going to make you pay your way in London? Charge you rent to stay at his house? Ghee it will cost you hundreds of pounds to live for a month in London. Lets say at least 100,000 pesos possibly more if you go out etc.

    Ring him up as others say and say cheerio and thanks for showing me your true colours before you invested and risked so much to see him..

    You have shown what a good woman you are in the loyalty you are showing him and tolerance of his rudness and sheer dumbness of thinking a pinay of normal phill means cna simply pop over on a plane

    Once again i applogise for his ways as a fellow Brit. Im truely ashamed of someone sharing somethign in common with me who is such a bully and tyrant it may all be mental now but who is to say he can control his anger in person?

    Please be careful and think this though so many good men in the world including British and pinoy who would treat you with far more respect and understanding..
    we get along in so many ways, in all aspects. one day, i'll let you see that side of him. he is more sensible than i am. its just this going there in a month that really got to my nerves...yes i saw in the chatbox, its mental torture.

    i'll take things slowly, one step at a time. i was so angry yesterday, after talking for 6 hours, i said i give up! made us both even more depressed the next 24 hours. he said sorry and wants me there on xmas.

    i'll try go on my life the normal way. thank you guys.
    Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.

    Whatever is meant to be will always find its way.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghee101 View Post
    i'll take things slowly, one step at a time. i was so angry yesterday, after talking for 6 hours, i said i give up! made us both even more depressed the next 24 hours. he said sorry and wants me there on xmas.

    Wrong, dear.....

    You have to be firm, and tell him that it will be up to him to visit you at Christmas...

    You are just making excuses for him, he is winning by making you feel inferior...

  5. #5
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    what exaclty do you want from life

    have a think about it, think about the type of man you want, then try and find him.

    why do you keep putting yourself down and saying you have done silly things in the past, you let him blame you for everything and accept the blame, he treats you like dirt and you keep coming back for more, so he treats you like more dirt......

    just dump him and move on and find a nice guy who will do everything for you
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

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