I spent a week at a dry dock in Batam recently staying in the holiday inn there. It was New years day onwards so I can't really remember a lot of the place, but it was the closest farry stop to Singers and to be honest wasn't that nice in the immediate area. THe local bars near to the ferry terminal reflect that its the nearest cheap place to singers and caters to single men in their "entertainment" if you get my meaning. THe hotel was nice enough (even better as I wasn't paying and the dry dock was picking up the tab including the ale....foolish, very foolish). I'm sure if you get out and about its a very nice place, from what I saw of it the views / sceanary looked very nice. THe currency takes some getting used to though. It was easy to rack up a million spud bar bill just on drinks and grub alone. Sounds alot but worked out unbelievably cheap, considering what we got through.