Thanks for replying bornatbirth and sillybilly

Yeah, paying for flights, paper works, 1 mo accommodation ( while looking for my place), relocation expense (movers & all) + some cash allowance.
I'll be doing the same thing, just changing office location from sg to glasgow.
My dilemma is, m quite not sure of the adjustmnt in the salary. The offered 40k/yr. If i am to deduct the UK tax and nat insurane, it will be almost the same as what im receiving here in SG( net of tax).
Im very excited to work and live in the UK. But as you probably already know, Singapore is a 1st world city(1st in Asia and 28th in the world's most liveable city).almost zero crime rate and very near Manila. Glasgow in the other hand... I honestly dont know, but I'm not liking what I've been reading about the city.
So, is it really worth the switch?
Anyone living the office life in Glasgow?