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Thread: Rogue doctors

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  1. #1
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    It can be surprisingly difficult NOT to appoint someone, when the responsibility lies not only with the doctors and nurses they would be working with, but also Human Resources ("Personnel") Departments and other management representatives Obviously if they can't speak English at all they wouldn't be applying. But it concerns me that there are two standards , one for those (like filipinos) who MUST take the IELTS / PLABS tests and those (like the German out of hours doctor) who need not
    I think they all should do. Doctors in the Philippines are trying to be a nurse to be able to go abroad and work as a nurse as they couldnt use their professional degree as they need such and such!
    They have studied long enough for 10 years in the Philippines to be a Doctor. But going abroad they need to study again and take loads of english and medical exams! Its not fair.
    I trust the Filipino Doctors and Dentist than those foreign ones who doesnt even know how to speak english properly. Filipino doctors are much much better to be honest!
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -sillybilly- View Post
    I think they all should do. Doctors in the Philippines are trying to be a nurse to be able to go abroad and work as a nurse as they couldnt use their professional degree as they need such and such!
    They have studied long enough for 10 years in the Philippines to be a Doctor. But going abroad they need to study again and take loads of english and medical exams! Its not fair.
    I trust the Filipino Doctors and Dentist than those foreign ones who doesnt even know how to speak english properly. Filipino doctors are much much better to be honest!
    my misses has met a few Filipino docs who are working as nurses or working in labs for the NHS, and they don't tell their employer or anyone else they are registered doc in the phils.

    most have given up being a doc in the UK, because of the cost of the exams, the difficulty in passing them and the time it takes..

    it took my misses nearly 5yrs and £1,000s by the time she had finished to register with the GMC here. like you said she spent nearly 10yrs at uni in the phils studying to be a doc.

    its a long and difficult road, even when your registered, you still have the problems of finding a job (my misses drives 100 miles a day!) and still your not in the 'system' because you really need to have done UK's foundation FY1 and FY2 year, so my misses is lucky shes got a FY1 job (equivalent to doing INTERNSHIP in the phils ) without that and FY2 its near impossible to get training...

    its an uphill struggle, but you'll get there in the end

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