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Thread: Bounty Hunters to go after Benefit Cheats

  1. #31
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    Oh dear am I speaking out of turn because I have no rep points,
    well I dont go looking for rep points and havent a clue what they are supposed to represent.

    By the way I was`nt implying that you do fiddle, only that it is quite well known how well the black cab drivers are treated by gov bodies and they seem to have quite a few perks.
    No-one said you were speaking out of turn coz of lack of rep points,you don't need them to discuss anything.

    You can talk about what you wish and you may have a valid point of view but to say you can't take anything a member has on here has said seriously shows a lack of respect for someone elses point of view!

    Not always but Rep points are given usually when members think you have posted something worth reading,or agree with your view or have been helpful to other members.

    Dedworth and me talk football most of the season and we NEVER agree on footie

    When you said you can't take what he says seriously i would say lots of people have, look at his reps,now look at yours

    Any way I don't drive a black cab and cabbing in London is a totally different ball game to what I do.

    Look pete I dont run around saying the little old lady next door hasent paid her tv licence,or point out to traffic wardens someone has overstayed their limit,but I do object to lazy *******s sitting at home with no intention of getting up of their fat **** and looking for a job

  2. #32
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    exactly, how many spend it down the pub or smoking...big bro
    i know a guy who spends it all in the bookies his philosophy is speculate to accumalate

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post

    surely if he knows he guilty too?
    Why don't you ask him? Jeez, how about you, you claiming any benefits that you shouldn't?

  4. #34
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    joe, dear joe, you assume too much. All but one of the staff are part-time, they are paid above minimum wage, and if they want to sit at home when they are not working, its no concern of mine. Payment is made via BACS, and is all done properly by the book, with the robbing government taking a nice tidy sum of PAYE and NIC each month.
    dear rob, i was not assuming, i was asking you
    the part you quoted, it was not about your posts, but a post made by les

    why the **** should I and millions other other hard working people work all day to pay for these tossers to put their feet up all day with free housing and benifits

    if they are mostly working part time, then it will not be enough for them to live off, so why should they lose most of their unemployment benefit if they work part time, surely its better that they are working and paying tax than sat at home for years doing nothing.. but then if your going to lose most of your benefit what's the point of working part time??

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    Yes apart from footie we agree that we need to be tough on crime,cheats etc lets clean up this town eh dedworth
    No surrender Les !

    The yobs,cheats,thieves,terrorists & lowlife feral scum need to fear being caught -make 'em think twice about offending in the first place. The hand wringing limp wristers of all political persuasions have failed over the last 30 years. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain, lets see a return of the noose, cane and 10 years meaning 10 years. I guarantee crime figures and prison population would rapidly decline.

  6. #36
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    and don't forget white collar crime dedworth

  7. #37
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    No surrender Les !

    The yobs,cheats,thieves,terrorists & lowlife feral scum need to fear being caught -make 'em think twice about offending in the first place. The hand wringing limp wristers of all political persuasions have failed over the last 30 years. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain, lets see a return of the noose, cane and 10 years meaning 10 years. I guarantee crime figures and prison population would rapidly decline.
    We got Sarahs law,now les and Dedworths law

  8. #38
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post

    When you said you can't take what he says seriously i would say lots of people have, look at his reps,now look at yours
    As you say we are all entitled to our view and I made a very flippant remark about Dedworth that you took seriously.

    Well that`s a big put down from you and I dont think it was called for.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and don't forget white collar crime dedworth
    Thanks for the reminder - yes that needs to be seriously dealt with too. I remember a few years back talking to a Senior Malaysian Police Officer who viewed White Collar Crime as quite a problem there as it didn't attract the deterrents of the cane & rope

  10. #40
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    As you say we are all entitled to our view and I made a very flippant remark about Dedworth that you took seriously.

    Well that`s a big put down from you and I dont think it was called for.
    Ok I agree to that and apologise,in the heat of the discussion I got wound up as I see these fraudsters on a regualr basis and it makes my blood boil.

    As far as I'm concerened I will offer no-further comments on this thread

  11. #41
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    Ok I agree to that and apologise,in the heat of the discussion I got wound up as I see these fraudsters on a regualr basis and it makes my blood boil.

    As far as I'm concerened I will offer no-further comments on this thread

  12. #42
    Member Ayumbar's Avatar
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    I am glad to see some action is being done to stop benefit cheats. I feel happy to pay my taxes, as long as I know it is going to the people who are honest and need it. When I first heard about this idea, I did see it as a kind of bounty hunting type of thing. With the economy as it is right now, if it means finding a few extra cheats at a lower cost, all the better. As long as the genuine people are not caught up in this.

  13. #43
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayumbar View Post
    I am glad to see some action is being done to stop benefit cheats. I feel happy to pay my taxes, as long as I know it is going to the people who are honest and need it. When I first heard about this idea, I did see it as a kind of bounty hunting type of thing. With the economy as it is right now, if it means finding a few extra cheats at a lower cost, all the better. As long as the genuine people are not caught up in this.

    I can see where both John and Letaxi are coming from..Why Letaxi has decided not to post on this subject again I cannot understand as he makes some very valid points.(as does John)
    For most of my working days I was self employed and a cash earner..I had no problem paying my taxes just as everyone else does..Until we joined the EU and the government began paying things like child benefit to Polish children in Poland simply because the father was working in the UK!!..That and many other examples of the same kind of benefits leaked to our new EU brother and sisters,cousins and nieces...
    Keeping it real,as a cash earner I often decided whilst filling in my tax returns to make a few deductions to the governments tax bill which I felt quite entitled to do and in the end paid them what I felt they deserved and not a penny more.
    Keeping it real again,I can understand Joe`s point about those trying to survive with families on minimum wage..I have no idea how they manage from day to day given the cost of just basic things now in the UK like a roof over head.
    You have to do what you have to do in this life and that doesnt always make you a lazy ******* scrounger..
    I was in our local bar here in P.I just last week drinking a few SMB`s using money produced from my previous endeavours..A new comer Brit walked in and assumed that because of my age and situation that I was either a criminal or a benefit cheat..
    I simply told him that I had never claimed benefit in my life and to mind his own ******* business!!
    He should watch himself. Next time I might not be so charitable.

  14. #44
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    There is a very good Mac cartoon in the Daily Mail today

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