Excellent news I hope this is coupled with court action and seizure of goods and assets
No more Sky TV for the fraudsters![]()
Excellent news I hope this is coupled with court action and seizure of goods and assets
No more Sky TV for the fraudsters![]()
I think we should have proper bounty hunters...... I'll be 'Anal the Bounty Hunter' .... kind of has a ring to it![]()
Keith - Administrator
At last common sense is prevailing
Might loose out on a few fares though,one guy used to get a taxi to sign on and asked to be dropped off 'just around the corner'![]()
not a bad idea. but how much is it going to cost
i can see problems here, if i go and cliam contribution based job seekers allowence, who the
are the gov or anyone else think they have the right to say how i spend it and if i have sky and a mobile i might be committing fraud
fools, all the bills are in my name and my misses earns twice as much as me
, so it looks like i'm committing fraud
anyway if someone dont drink or smoke, gamble whats the problem if they spend thier dole on sky or a mob![]()
exactly, how many spend it down the pub or smoking...big bro![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
I do the accounts and payroll for my brothers cafe in the South Wales Valleys, and I know for sure half of his staff are claiming benefit when they shouldn't be. One of them has just been caught and has been ordered to repay £3600. If you commit benefit fraud, you will be caught.
I think its disgusting, turning the whole country into curtain twitchers ready to grass up neighbours, or if you have a screw in the wrong place on a licence plate.
Looking at the daily mail this morning there is another story about a family getting a larger house and receiving £16k a year, so what. They dont look that good on it, I am just so happy that I can work and mix with people and feel like I am making a contribution to the community, if I wanted to be a copper I would applied, not become a bitter twisted spy for the government.
The top of the food chain continually get away with millions, how much did the scummy MPs pay back, not much, but are very successful at turning the working man on each other![]()
The problem is it's not aimed at turning the working man on each other,it's aimed at stoppping these lazy money grabbing never worked a day in life and don't intend to scum.
To right they should be found out and their benifits stopped,why the **** should I and millions other other hard working people work all day to pay for these tossers to put their feet up all day with free housing and benifits![]()
I do the accounts and payroll for my brothers cafe in the South Wales Valleys, and I know for sure half of his staff are claiming benefit when they shouldn't be.
whats he paying them cash ?
so their not all sat at home all day with their feet up, does your brother pay them at least minimum wage?
i dont know how anyone can live on minimum wage, espcially if you've got kids![]()
You should direct your anger at the government who have allowed the situation to grow.They should do as we wish not us become their spies. All the gov since the 50s have allowed the country to become flooded with immigrant labour that has lowered peoples wages and put them in the cache 22 position. Now the gov has to pay out all these benefits for the unemployed or sick and are trying to shift the blame, how do they do that, divide and conquer. Have us fighting amongst ourselves. I have no idea of the circumstances of claimants, and nor do you, but if they can solve it by paying some benefits in vouchers or have people report to work centres then good. But if you or your mates want to start spying on people and grassing them up then your just sad.![]()
No it's not grassing its a duty if I were to find someone obtaining benifits dishonestly I would report them,same goes if I saw someone back into your car and damage it pete,would you like me to turn a blind eye?
You are totally confusing the issue cheats should be outed and it's ridiculous to call us spys![]()
I think Les has a fair idea as to the circumstances of these thieves - he's mentioned on numerous threads about having them or their offspring in the back of his cab.
I've no qualms whatsoever about reporting these people stealing from the public purse who are equally as loathsome and guilty as the trough feeding MP's you mentioned earlier.
Cheers Dedworth,I do have some idea I have been doing my job for 15 years and have picked up every type of person you can imagine including good ol Norman Lamont
I remember once being sent to pick up "Lady Laycock" from the royal hall in Harrogate,followed by picking up "Mad Mick" from the roughest pub in Harrogate.
Also being sent to one of our dodgy estates,dropping someone off and being hurled a load of abuse by benifit claiments sitting getting pissed in their garden on a monday lunchtime-nice people
Im working hard,and getting abuse from the tossers I'm actually subsidising
Believe me there are lots out there and they have no intention of working and the rest of the suckers pay for them,Blame who you want but the sooner we sort these scammers out the better and i'm happy to tip the word
Yes of course the mp's were as guiilty as hell and they deserve punishment too.
I'm so glad I don't pay tax, anywhere... :-)
When It comes to people causing physical harm then, and I have done, I would intervene, but I am not going to start grassing people up over welfare benefits.
Anyway, you may understand this as a taxi driver, the black cab owners down here are not the most forthcoming when it comes to paying any taxes, are`nt we all guilty of a bit of creative accounting and so depriving the gov of taxes.
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
joe, dear joe, you assume too much.All but one of the staff are part-time, they are paid above minimum wage, and if they want to sit at home when they are not working, its no concern of mine. Payment is made via BACS, and is all done properly by the book, with the robbing government taking a nice tidy sum of PAYE and NIC each month.
Oh dear am I speaking out of turn because I have no rep points,
well I dont go looking for rep points and havent a clue what they are supposed to represent.
By the way I was`nt implying that you do fiddle, only that it is quite well known how well the black cab drivers are treated by gov bodies and they seem to have quite a few perks.
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