I can see where both John and Letaxi are coming from..Why Letaxi has decided not to post on this subject again I cannot understand as he makes some very valid points.(as does John)
For most of my working days I was self employed and a cash earner..I had no problem paying my taxes just as everyone else does..Until we joined the EU and the government began paying things like child benefit to Polish children in Poland simply because the father was working in the UK!!..That and many other examples of the same kind of benefits leaked to our new EU brother and sisters,cousins and nieces...
Keeping it real,as a cash earner I often decided whilst filling in my tax returns to make a few deductions to the governments tax bill which I felt quite entitled to do and in the end paid them what I felt they deserved and not a penny more.
Keeping it real again,I can understand Joe`s point about those trying to survive with families on minimum wage..I have no idea how they manage from day to day given the cost of just basic things now in the UK like a roof over head.
You have to do what you have to do in this life and that doesnt always make you a lazy ******* scrounger..
I was in our local bar here in P.I just last week drinking a few SMB`s using money produced from my previous endeavours..A new comer Brit walked in and assumed that because of my age and situation that I was either a criminal or a benefit cheat..
I simply told him that I had never claimed benefit in my life and to mind his own ******* business!!
He should watch himself. Next time I might not be so charitable.