It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's a flying pig! Hahaha. Sorry, I couldn't resist. I was sitting in the Cebu airport yesterday afternoon, and was amazed by the swarm of folks who descended on the tiny stall carrying Zubuchon products in the pre-departure lounge, and observed as they completely wiped out the afternoon delivery of fresh lechon well before stocks were supposed to run out. I should take this chance to say THANK YOU on behalf of the Zubuchon team to all of you who have tried our lechon, and many who have come back again and again in the 7 or 8 short months we have been in operation. It still gives me a thrill to walk onto a plane and see several boxes with the silly red pig happily prancing about. But yesterday was a particularly startling day. For the first time in 8 months, despite careful management of stocks and detailed data gathering to try and predict sales patterns, we were PRACTICALLY WIPED OUT of all products at all outlets! And just as we were reaching for our last reserves (we sell frozen lechon with re-heating instructions as well) a call came to the airport and a request from folks traveling on the private jet of a well-known business tycoon for 10 kilos of frozen lechon, to be taken on board in a half hour's time. Let's just say I was most amused. When the silly lechon that started out as an experiment, ends up on television for a worldwide audience to see and now provides employment and sustenance for a growing group of folks ends up FLYING TO MANILA ABOARD A PRIVATE JET while I squeeze into by row 64 aisle seat on PAL purchased online for just PHP600 each way, you know the darned pig has arrived. How ironic is that? Hahaha.
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