what jobs are good for shy quiet people like me,
ive worked in factories all my life and shyness has always been a big problem, i started a new tempory job on wednesday, is agency work, is in a factory, i assemble things but when i need parts i need to shout (parts please) i had to shout it for the first time today and i felt myself going red and started to feel sick, later in the day we moved to another assembly line and i was strugling to keep up and at the end of the day i had 5 units that stil needed assembling, so the 2 people that was sending the units to me helped me assemble them but the one lady said i should of said somthing, then the other lady that has the units off me started complaining about there suddenly being 5 units that she has to build, then 3 of then started shouting and argueing, i went home in tears, monday will be bad,
in my last job i made i little mistake when working and it made a noise, i felt myself going red faced but tryed to carry on and made another mistake, my face started to tingle because was so red, then i couldnt think strait and forgot how to do anything, i didnt look at anyone around me, im sure they was looking at me, i started to shake, so i had to try and calm down, so i just stood stil for about a minuite to try to calm down, i realy hate working in factories but dont know what else to do, ill never overcome this shyness so what jobs are there that requires minimal interaction with people, please help...