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Thread: FLR.. What happens if.

  1. #1
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    FLR.. What happens if.

    My Wife aplied for her FLR on 23rd March and we still haven't recieved it back yet. We have received a letter saying the FLR was being processed and the cheque has cleared from my bank.
    Her Fiancee Visa expires on 31st April and we are worried that the FLR will not be returned to us before then. What happens if this occurs as technically my wife could be an illegal Immigrant.
    I can't afford to send her home that is a fact both emotionally and financially....
    Many thanks.

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    You would need to check this but if the visa people have a backlog and dont process your application then the visa is extended untill the decision is made. Ring them up if no one comes on here in tonight and gives u a more definte answer.

  3. #3
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    No need to worry, as long as they have the application and are processing it, theres nothing more to do but sit and wait. Processing times can vary anyway, so its not for you to worry if they can't process the application before the expiry date.

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    There you go, Rob has just saved you a phonecall

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    FLR your looking at around a month, you can check on IND web site, and it will say at the mo..

    The dates of applications we are currently considering are set out below

    Application type We are currently working on applications made in
    Forms FLR(M) and SET(M) March 2007
    Form FLR(S) March 2007
    Forms FLR(O), SET(O) and SET(F) March 2007
    Forms FLR(SEGS) and FLR(FT:WISS) March 2007
    Forms NTL and TOC March 2007
    Forms FLR(IED) and BUS March 2007
    Form COA March 2007
    Form ELR March 2007

    Your immigration status while your application is being decided

    If you make a valid application before your permission to stay ends, your existing immigration status will continue until your application is decided, even if the decision is not made until after the end of your permitted stay. If your existing visa or other permission to stay here allows you to work, you can continue to do so until your case is decided.

    stop worrying . no probs

  6. #6
    Respected Member eytch's Avatar
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    is this the same with ILR? I am worried too because i can start applying for my ILR 1 day before (28 days) my visa expires... thanks guys...

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes i think its the same for any visa app

    iam down to about 24 days to my wifes and stepsons FLR expires, and i've not got my app ready yet, still dont know which form to use for stepson, wife phoned ind they said set (o) and so did another forum, while another forum said set (f) and i think it should be set (f) as he is a dependant relative over 18 !

    but on some visa's you have to be careful, that it if you make your app, and its refused, and by that time your visa has expired,you might have no right to appeal, i dont think this effects spouse visa thou. so dont worry about that.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    hi symonh2000 it happened to me too when i applied for flr last march 5. They just send us a letter stating they are processing it and money taken from the bank too. We just wait and on the 4th of april got my flr...
    just wait...

  9. #9
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    Thanks for the help everyone, The FLR arrived this morning so no more worries. It took just under 4 weeks.


  10. #10
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by symonh2000 View Post
    My Wife aplied for her FLR on 23rd March and we still haven't recieved it back yet. We have received a letter saying the FLR was being processed and the cheque has cleared from my bank.
    Her Fiancee Visa expires on 31st April and we are worried that the FLR will not be returned to us before then. What happens if this occurs as technically my wife could be an illegal Immigrant.
    I can't afford to send her home that is a fact both emotionally and financially....
    Many thanks.
    we psoted on the 27th of march and got it in just over 2weeks not bad considering the easter bank holidays

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    they have targets to meet, and ind have just started processing april's batch..

    i wonder how long they will be with my wife and stepsons ILR

  13. #13
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    i just applied FLR last april 23 and my visa will soon expire this may 7 they have sent us letter telling that the application is now on the process...still waiting for result...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well like me, you might be waiting another couple of weeks, maybe 3 at most, as ind have just started processing april's apps, but flr is pretty straght forward, should be no probs, but mine is for ILR for wife and stepson, iam just bit worried about me stepson.. but iam suyre it be ok.

  15. #15
    Respected Member russ01539's Avatar
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    My wife's fiancee visa ran out on 31st Septemebr 06. We applied for our visa on 28th September, and had an answer back in 10 days. The same rules apply for ILR whoever asked the question. So long as they have receipt of your application on or before the day your visa runs out you can legally stay until your application has been decided upon.

    And for all you Filipino's, who I know from experience spend half your time worrying about everything, the FLR and ILR are really formalities as long as all your paperwork is in place. Its not like getting the visa from the embassy in PI. Its much easier.

    And if your really insistant that you get your FLR/ILR you can go to Liverpool or Newcastle (not sure about places for u southerners out there) and they will grant your extension 'whilst you wait'. PS. Its cheaper if you do it that way too, by about 200 quid.

    I hope thats put your minds at rest once and for all.

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