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Thread: London jobs

  1. #1
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    London jobs

    Hi to Filipinos ( or anybody) in London. I need some advice about work related things. Finally I got my EEA family permit (I am an Irish citizen spouse who is currently in Ireland). My husband and I have decided to try to live and work in UK. We have decided to go London first since we believed that there more job opportunities there. I am willing to do any type of work in the first few months (while looking for opportutnities in my field). I would be very happy if someone can give me some ideas if it is possible to find work in London immediately. I am hoping to find jobs as soon as posiible upon our arrival in London.
    Thank you very much

  2. #2
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    London is a huge city lots of job opportunities there, what kind of work are you looking for?
    Do you have an up to date cv? if so i suggest you try some of the Job sites on the internet such as Monster Jobs, Fish for Jobs and Jobsite, there are lots of others but they are 3 of the bigger ones. Also try your local Job centre you can search there for jobs in London and im sure the staff will be happy to help you.

    i would say the downside of picking London is that the property rental and buying prices are very high, you can live much cheaper in other parts of the uk.
    Anyway good luck to you i hope you find what your after

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Firstly ... a belated to the forum. Secondly ... having read the content of your INITIAL post - and the responses to it - I can relate to the quandry you find yourself in. Thirdly ... my intention to reply sooner has been hampered by computer problems that seem to cause my lines of communication to shut down midway through typing lengthy screeds. I shall, therefore, endeavour to address the issues raised - in a series of shorter messages ...

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hedgehog View Post
    We have decided to go London first since we believed that there more job opportunities there (while looking for opportutnities in my field).
    ... WHY London? OR Manchester? [as you'd PREVIOUSLY considered] or, indeed, any of the larger British cities??? I mean ... I'D have thought that, as an *Agriculturist, you would be looking at settling in one of the many farming communities similar to those you've been accustomed to in Ireland. Scotland, Wales and parts of rural England, for example, would all seem to offer greater scope for someone with YOUR particular field ('scuse pun!) of expertise. And many of these regions have their own *specialist Colleges & Centres located in small-to-medium sized townships [usually] within reasonable travelling distance/...

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hedgehog View Post
    I am willing to do any type of work in the first few months
    ... /which makes me inclined to ask why you should feel the necessity to divert from the type work you've been TRAINED to do ... especially since you already HOLD an acceptable EU qualification that is recognised in the UK? Many Filipino graduates - including my own wife (a teacher by profession) - are dismayed to find that their degrees seem to count for little HERE. But this clearly doesn't apply in YOUR case. So WHY hesitate? As I mentioned, the facilities ARE available, should you feel the need to upgrade your existing attainments.

    On the other hand, a lot will also depend on your husband's job ... and which of the two of you is likely to be the main breadwinner; this, of course, is a matter that can be decided between yourselves.

    Anyway, Good Luck with whatever you both choose in the end.

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