Quote Originally Posted by hedgehog View Post
I am willing to do any type of work in the first few months
... /which makes me inclined to ask why you should feel the necessity to divert from the type work you've been TRAINED to do ... especially since you already HOLD an acceptable EU qualification that is recognised in the UK? Many Filipino graduates - including my own wife (a teacher by profession) - are dismayed to find that their degrees seem to count for little HERE. But this clearly doesn't apply in YOUR case. So WHY hesitate? As I mentioned, the facilities ARE available, should you feel the need to upgrade your existing attainments.

On the other hand, a lot will also depend on your husband's job ... and which of the two of you is likely to be the main breadwinner; this, of course, is a matter that can be decided between yourselves.

Anyway, Good Luck with whatever you both choose in the end.