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Thread: Declaration of Nullity from a Catholic Marriage Tribunal

  1. #1
    Member mylittleuk's Avatar
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    Post Declaration of Nullity from a Catholic Marriage Tribunal

    Help guys, I badly need advise on this. I am getting married next year in March, my fiancee lives in Bromley -a non-catholic and a divorcee. We are planning to have our wedding in Church here in RP and I believe all legal requirements needed are I think all set except for the declaration of nullity that the Catholic Chansery office is requiring my fiancee to provide. This is a certification that my fiancee need to get from a Catholic marriage tribunal in Bromley certifiying that he is free to marry, without it, we will not be given a Clearance from Chansery office which means we cannot be wed in any church.
    I do not understand why they still need this, when in fact there are legal documents on hand and available -Divorce decree and CNI proving he is free to marry again?
    I need your insights on this guys... pls help every word will be highly appreciated..

  2. #2
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    Second post.......

  3. #3
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    It is because your fiancée is still married as far as the RC church is concerned. A divorced person cannot marry in the church unless the former spouse has died.

    The problem I believe you are having is confusion between annulment and divorce.

    In the Catholic church annulment means that for some reason the marriage never really happened. Example: the priest was an impostor. The couple thought the man was a priest but later discover he was not. Thus, they were never married That is an annulment in the church.

    In RP the government in effect allow divorce but call it annulment. A person who gets an 'annulment' in Phil through the courts is still married in the eyes of the church.

    I was divorced. Thus I could not re-marry in a church. We had a garden wedding with the mayor marrying us.

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