Hellooooo guys
I registered my account here just a few minutes ago.. and yesI am glad to be here.
if you don't mind...I would like to go straight to my intention of joining this site.
I am seriously looking for some enlightenment about some things concerning my marriage
I am getting married next year in March, My Fiancee is a non-catholic and a divorcee - I am a Catholic, all requirements needed from him for our planned church wedding are all set except for the declaration of Nullity that the Catholic Chansery office here in Manila is requiring my fiancee to provide, without it, we cannot be allowed to have our wed done in church..:
I do not understand why things have to be so complicated, provided he has all the legal docs- divorce decree, a CNI that he can get from the local registrar of the UK saying he is free to marry..
Please..please.. help me, everything you can advise about my case will be highly appreciated guys....