My Uncle is an Engineer in Dubai. He is trying to apply to work in UK thru online and got email regarding the job offer.. Need your advice please.. How we can check if the company and job position is genuine.

Below is the email he received.

Thank you,

The Home Office, Westminster,
London SW1P, United Kingdom

Dear XXXX .,

We acknowledge the receipt of your employment file from HESS with request for Home Office Clearance.

The UK Government has made it mandatory that every expatriate employee traveling to the UK must posses these clearance documents before visa/permits papers will be granted to him/her.

We have outlined our requirements for both single and family application depending on your choice of entry. For single application, you are required to provide us with the below requirements:

1. A Photo Passport
2. Full contact house address
3. Scan copy of International Passport Number/Scan Copy of National Identity Card/Drivers License
4. Scan copy of your signed job offer letter
5. Payment Receipt of Home Office fees: £930 GBP

For family application, which allows the maximum of four(4) family members, the requirements are as follows:

1. Passport Photo of each family member
2. Full contact house address
3. Scan copy of International Passport of each family member
4. Scan copy of your signed job offer letter
5. Payment Receipt of Home Office fees: £1,490 GBP

The Home Office fees should be paid via Western Union Money Transfer or Money Gram International using the following receiving details:

Receiver's Name: Owen Milner
Receiver's Location: London, UK

These requirements should be sent to your employer (HESS) within 7 days as we expect to receive the printed copies through fax or submitted directly to our office.

NOTE: Please do not reply or send us any messages as we are currently unable to attend to emails. You are to address all questions or concerns to your employer ( for clarification and further information.


UK Border Agency
Welcome to the Home Office
The Home Office is the lead government department for immigration and passports, drugs policy, counter-terrorism, police, and science and research.

Dear XXX

We acknowledge the receipt of your mail which include your signed employment letter indicating your acceptance to the Job contract with HESS. With Reference to your mail, please
be informed that in order for a successful application and processing of your Visa/ Permit Paper, you are required to submit the Home Office UK Border
Agency Clearance Certificate which will grant/authorize the application
of your Visa processing. Also note that we forwarded your employment files to the Home Office UK Border Agency
for acknowledgment and to inform you of the necessary details needed
for the issuance of the
Home Office UK
Border Agency Clearance Certificate. They will send you an email with
details of the requirement to issue you the Clearance Certificate. You
are also required to forward a copy of the Home Office
UK Border Agency email you receive to us for
acknowledgment. For further information please contact
Mrs. Claire Craven on +44-701-119-8270 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************+44-701-119-8270******end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************+44-701-119-8270******end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44-701-119-8270 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or e-mail usWe awaits your response and update as regards the required details.Reply to confirm you receive and understood this mail.


Mrs. Claire Craven,
Human Resources
Hess Corporation
Phone: +44-702-403-2671 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44-702-403-2671 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
office: Level 9 The Adelphi Building 1-11 John Adam Street
London, WC2N 6AG, UKThis
communication contains information which is confidential and may also
be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the addressee. If you are
not the addressee please note that any distribution, reproduction,
copying, publication or use of this communication or the information in
it is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,
please contact us immediately and also delete the communication from
your computer.